Feelthe Detailin the Deep with KEF’s SubwooferColection Boasting a comprehensive line-up of subwoofers for any system , budget or space,KEF understands the im portance ofthe detailthatahigh-qualitysubwoofer can add. Delivering depth and ac uracy in equal m easures, KEF’s Subwoofer Colection is m ade up of room -friendly designsand innovative technology. Atitsm ostbasicasubwooferneedsto be able to produce deep and loud bas .KEF subwoofers are anything butbasic.Each subwoofer is ful of exceptional engineering and innovation in the form of cuting-edge technologies such as Uni-Core™ and is designed to deliver depth and ac uracyin equalm easures. KEF subwoofers are also versatile, whetheryou wantthem form usic,m ovies, oram ixture ofboth,forsm alspacesand large listening room s,the com prehensive line-up has a high-performance subwooferto suit.
Discover new dim ensions of sound with KEF Kube subwoofers KEF’s stylish trio of Kube subwoofers ofer exceptional perform ance no m aterwhatsystem you partnerthem with orwhere you decide to place them .A choice ofthree sizes and greatconnectivity ensures optim um perform ance for yoursetup. Available in three driversizes,12,10,and 8 inches,the Kube subs oferunm atched flexibilty in configuration.A range ofLFE,line & speaker-levelinputs,Phase selection, and 3 DSP controled EQ setingshelp m atch Kube to any room placem ent.Setup Kube forconvenience,pairitto any m ain speaker,orwith any type ofm usic system ,and startexploring new depthsin sound. Each elegantly designed, fuly sealed unit unleashes explosive powerefortles ly,intuitively,and inteligently.iBX technology, an advanced Digital Signal Procesing algorithm (DSP), extends the bas depth dynam icaly, unlocking the ful potentialofthe driver’spoweratnorm al listening levelsoreven the m ostextrem e.And with KEF’s unique capabilty to design,build and integrate the driver in-house, optim isation is taken to a whole new level. Delivering im m ersive m usic and hom e theatre soundsthat drive you deeperinto the heartofthe perform ance.
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