Free yoursubwooferwith KW 1 W ireles SubwooferAdapterKit Plus,subwooferplacem entisno longeran is ue with the addition of KEF’s KW 1 W ireles Subwoofer Adapter Kit. This discreet transm iter and receiver can be used with Kube 8b,Kube 10b,Kube 12b, and the KC62 and KF92 subwoofer models. This adapterkitwireles ly pairs a suitable KEF sub to an AV system ’sreceiverorany speakerfrom KEF’sLS W ireles Colection for high-quality transm is ion and stable, interference-free operation. KEF subwooferscannow beoptim alyplaced in your hom e without being lim ited by trailng cables. Foradded flexibiltyand increased system perform ance,an additionalsubwoofercan even be connected viaan optionalsecond receiver.
VIEW ONLINE to önd outm ore orcontactyourAudio T store to hearhow KEFsubwooferscanadd detailand textureto yourlistening experience.
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