A com plete m usic system ,R2 is equipped with DAB+,FM and internettunerswith pre-sets,and directly supports major streaming services including Spotify,Am azon M usicand Deezer,and with a quality Bluetooth receiver every other streaming service available. The Bluetooth function also seamlesly integrates with the volum efunctiononphonesand tablets,so volum e can be easilyraised orreduced asdesired.R2also features a USB-C charge and playback port, switchable auxilary line input and headphone output.Rem ote controlis available through the UNDO K app,oracom pacthandsetavailableasan optional extra. The colour LCD clearly displays tim e,alarm and program m e inform ation including station and album artwork,and auto-adjuststo suit am bient lightlevels. Like al Ruark products, the R2 incorporates carefuly selected technologies to deliver wonderfulyclearand efortles sound. The linear am plifier linked with the com pany’s proprietaryN S+ driversand adaptive equalisation providestheperfectsound balanceforenjoying al m usic and spokenword content, m aking R2 an es ential way to relax and unwind in today’s seem inglym anicworld.
RuarkAudio isdelighted to revealthe latestversion ofitsR2m usicsystem .Thealnew designbringsone ofthecom pany’slongestestablished m odelsrightup to date,while retaining the key features thathave m ade the R2so popularsince itslaunch in 2007. ‘The m ostobviouschange… isthe R2 M k4’s slim m er footprint. Such elegantnew proportionsalow the system to be placed almost anywhere in the hom e’ The m ostobvious change from its predeces ors is the R2 M k4’s slim m er footprint.Such elegant new proportions alow the system to be placed alm ost anywhere in the hom e and m akes it perfect for a windowsilorbookshelflocation. The appearance ofR2 is sim ple yetstunning,and totalyin-tune with whatdesign consciouscustom ers are seeking today.The enclosure,with precise lines and softcontours,com bines with the slated wood grile to create a tim eles retro-m odern feel.Along with itsbonded glas displayand Ruark’stradem ark RotoDialcontrolersited atop,R2 is undoubtedly a Ruarkdesign and the qualityrem ainsclear.
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