Music at Home+ Autumn 2022


The specialedition DALI M ENUET SE has been created as a tribute to high-perform ance,com pact stereo speakers.Builton the legacy ofthe popular DALIM ENUET,DALIhave applied everything they know to furtherim prove the sound quality and to create a fantasticnew finish. Thesetiny,butincrediblespeakersarebased around a 4.5" wooferand a 28m m /1.1" softdom e tweeter, and deliverso m uchm orethanm eetstheeye.Listen to the M ENUET SE and you wilhearplentyofclean, undistorted bas ,open and dynam ic m idrange and detailed/crisp highs. The cros overhasbeen substantialyupgraded with prem ium grade M undorf™ capacitors and highly electricaly insulating board m aterial, which have been carefuly selected through vigorous listening tests. The sturdy gold-plated term inals are taken from their high-end EPICO N series to ensure the bestpos ible connection.

The new eye-catching finish,W ild W alnutVeneer, ism adefrom avarietyofnaturalwalnutwood.The useofthisstunning veneerfinishm eansthatevery single m atched pair of DALI M ENUET SE loudspeakers wil be unique in appearance.The cabinets are carefuly selected for the closest m atch and no two pairswillookthe sam e. Each and every DALI M ENUET SE is carefuly hand-as em bled,tested and finished bythe sam e DALIem ployee to ensure the highest pos ible quality.Afterthe finalquality testand inspection, eachspeakerisgivenaspecialbras platewiththe initialsofthe DALIem ployee who as em bled the speakers. ContactyourlocalAudio T shop to find outm ore about the DALI M ENUET SE and to book a dem onstration!



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