Music at Home+ Autumn 2022


Then,you could always go forthe m ostnon-intrusive Hi-Fi experience with a great headphone setup. Pictured above are the Quad ERA-1 Planar headphones with Chord Mojo 2 Mobile DAC/Headphone Amplifier plugged into an Apple iPad. Bookadem onstration with Audio T Begin the journey to explore the pos ibiltiesto enjoy yourm usicand film withanauditionorjustachatabout the options.W e lookforward to welcom ing you! Thanks for reading - M ax, Jam es, Justin - Audio T Bristol (PS.Stream ing CD player,Dolby 5.1 Headphone Am p with built Bluetooth Turntable? Yes, Check out the Bluesound Hom e Theatre setup add a Rega Planar1 plus.)

W e'lpayforyourparking! Ifyou visitone ofourstores and m ake a purchase,we wil reim burse your parking fees - see the individualstore pages for m oreinform ation.PleasenotethereisFREE (lim ited space)custom er parking available at the folowing stores: Cardif, Enfield, Portsm outh,Southam pton and Swindon. South ofEngland Brighton

Bristol Enfield Portsm outh Reading Southam pton Swindon M idlands/East Cheltenham Oxford North ofEngland M anchester


Wales Cardif Swansea


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