“W e can’tim agine life withoutm usic,and it’sthispas ion thatdrivesusto create prem ium productsthatourcustom erswil love to use and treasure. W ith itselegant,slim profile,thisfourth iteration ofouraward winning R2 m usic system fits easily into any room in the house, and has al the stream ing capabilities and connectivity m ostwil everneed.W ith its ful bodied Hi-Fidelity sound,itm akesspeech and m usicthoroughly enjoyable and like that first tea or cofee in the m orning,an es entialelem ent to creating a greatday.” Alan O ’Rourke,M anaging Director,Ruark Audio Specif ications
• Clas leading renowned audio with enhanced stereo sound • Com prehensive W i-Fistream ing with SpotifyConnect& supportfor • Deezer & Amazon Music Latest generation Bluetooth 5 Receiver • SmartRadio tuner with internet radio/DAB/DAB+/FM •USB-C playback/charge port •O ptionalInfrared rem ote control •Analogue input/headphone output •Fulcolourauto dim m ing LCD display • High fidelityclas A-B am plifiersystem •Ruarkneodym ium NS+ drivers •Finishes:LightCream lacquerwith Ash grile/ Espres o lacquer with W alnut grile •Dim ensions:H185 xW 340 xD150m m including controlsand antenna •W eight:2.9Kg
W e recently had the chance to visitthe Ruark Audio HQ and sit down with founder and M anaging Director, Alan O ’Rourke to discus the com panyand its history with Audio T.You can watch the fulinterview in the video on the left.
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