Music at Home+ Autumn 2022


ascertained using my Naim playervia itsline-out– and that itcan also function asapream p, you’d be forgiven for thinking justthe one box would do you very nicely indeed.Acros the tim e I spent with this Auralic pair,Ifound the Vega G2.1 a highly entertaining performer acros a range ofm usicalstyles, notleastbecausethatLightning DS system is so simple and logicalin use. Freed from al the digital frilsdelivered bytheSiriusG2.1 – im pres ive though they are – the Vega G2.1 hasa directnes ofsound to m atch its fus -free operation, com bining weight and presence,detailand speed. In my listening, these characteristics were as m uch in evidence when exploring the baroque jaz-prog stylings of FrankZappa’sShutUp And Play Yer Guitar set [Rykodisc RCD

YerGuitarset[Rykodisc RCD 10533/34/35] as with the relaxed blues-rock ofSnowy W hite’s Driving O n The 44 [own label, SW W F 2022], where itdeliversa gloriously characterfulguitarsound. So the Vega G2.1 is an acomplished al-rounder, building on the strengths of pastAuralicm odelsreviewed in these pages. The large display and heavyweightbut oh-so elegantcasework ticks the pride ofownership box, ensuring either the Vega or Sirius/Vega G2.1 wil fit in with alm ostanysystem while delivering a sound that’s up there with the verybest. ABO VE:Sirius G2.1 [top]includes LAN control input plus digitalin/outs on coax,Toslink and AES (DSD64/192kHz) plus USB and L-Link in/outs(DSD512/384kHz)on HDM Is.VegaG2.1 [botom ]has com plem entary digitalinputs,an externalclock input,analogue line inputs and f ixed/variable analogue outputs on RCAs and balanced XLRs

ABO VE:Hidden underthe SiriusG2.1’stop-plate, and screening the digitalelectronics within,is a branded, coppercoloured enclosure. The Vega folowssuit


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