Linn SelektDSM Now even m ore delektable…
Every so often, a new product com es along that redef ines expectations and revolutionises standards;forging itsown path in the nam e ofinnovation and ingenuity.ThinkM odel-T Ford… Think Sm artphone… Think Sondek LP12… And now, think Selekt DSM – the world's f irst, fuly custom isable and future-proofdigitalsource forhi-f i enthusiasts;a highperform ance ofering unlike anything else on the m arket.
SelektDSM Ecosystem The proces ofm aking SelektDSM yourown is sim ple. First, pick your chas is design: either Clas ic Hub,orthe deluxe,higher-perform ance Edition Hub. There is then a choice between three, distinct, digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) performance tiers: Standard, higher-performing Katalyst, or reference-level Organik. SelektDSM can be adapted to suityourchosen application,so you can truly m ake ityourown. W ilyouuseyourSelektDSM source-only,aspart ofyourexisting hi-fiseparatessystem ?O rwould you prefer the elegant, one-box sim plicity of integrated am plification? W il you connectyour
SelektDSM is the m ostconfigurable digitalm usic playerever.Itisversatile,upgradeable and,crucialy, sounds exceptional.This digitalm usic player was conceived with the intent for it to ac om m odate Linn’s latest technological advancem ents — and those of the future — by virtue of its ingenious, m odulardesign. Em barking on a journey through the Selekt DSM productecosystem isa sound investm ent;one that delivers both m usicalpleasure and enduring value, today and tom orow.YourSelektDSM can evolve with you asyourdesiresand requirem entschange. Choose your enclosure model, your prefered starting perform ance level,and then setSelektDSM to workin yourchoice ofapplication — alfrom one box— with the abiltyto upgrade easilyatanytim e.
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