TV,to achievethebestpos iblesound from alofyour entertainm entsources;orwil yourSelektDSM fulfil the role of a fuly am plified, 5.1 hom e cinem a receiver? ClasicHub Clasic Hub features powder-coated, folded alum inium casework m ounted atop an 8m m -thick, m achined-alum inium base. It pos es es a tactile centralcontroldial,and an arayofsixprogram m able ‘sm art’butons forconvenient,one-touch ac es to favourite playlists,artists,album s,orinputs.W ith their intuitive operation, these interfaces encourage physicalinteraction with yoursystem .A broad range ofconnections on Clas ic Hub’s back panelensures thatitcan receive and deliveraudio from any source im aginable; with a high-perform ance, integrated, analogue-todigital conversion stage acepting anything from turntablesto CD players,and ahostof digital connections alowing connection to video stream ing devices, gam es consoles, and Blu-ray players— ensuring yougettrem endoussound quality from anything you connectto yourSelektDSM . Clasic Hub features Linn’s groundbreaking room -corection software –Space O ptim isation –as standard.W e wilconfigure thisforyou to ensure that you onlyhearyoursystem ’strue sound and capabilty, and notthe distortionscaused byyourroom ’sunique dim ensions and construction. Now shipping with Linn’s al-new, exceptionaly eficient, highly responsive, and precision-regulated power supply design — theirbestyet– Utopik.Clas ic Hub now shipswith up to 24bit/384kHzand DSD256 stream ing capabilty. Edition Hub -Construction Edition Hub isa superior-quality enclosure,featuring an al-m achined construction for im proved rigidity, interior isolation,and elevated aesthetic appeal— with sleek sight lines, concealed joins and understated luxuryatthe fore.Thischas isconsistsof fourplates,rigidly bolted together.The side pieces are flawles ly aligned with the base using pins,with four long bolts subsequently torqued-in for an exceptionaly rigid fix, with a pleasing, precision fit and finish.
Providing both requisite heatm anagem entand high design appeal,the prim aryventofEdition Hub isprecision-cutinto itsalum inium plate lid. The ventitselfisevocative ofa wave,with each aperture cutatan angle,and onlyeverysecond one m achined al the way through. W hen viewed from diferent angles,this wave m otif m orphs and ripples — with m yriad reflections projected from itsvariousfinishesand surfaces. ControlDial Edition Hub features a much-improved, eye-catching control dial. Its precision, turnedstainles - steel bearing ensures silky, tactile rotation when adjusting volum e;and the photoetched steelhalo around itsedge alows cool, sharp light to em anate from the one hundred individualLEDsbeneath. The dialproudly exhibits Linn’s “Clyde Built” epithet — a reverentialnod to their Glasgow hom e’s industrialriver, and the world-leading engineering which has emanated from its shores.
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