Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

Sm artButons, Display& Feet,O h M y!

Edition Hub featuresan arayofsix, extruded anodised-aluminium ‘smart’ butons, providing convenient,one-touch ac es to favourite playlists, artists, albums, or inputs. The butons’ gratifying actuation encourages haptic interaction with yourSelektDSM . The al-glas fascia ofEdition Hub is com posed of m irored spy glas ; with the large-form at display concealed behind it displaying crisp, clear inform ation when neces ary, and fading to total invisibiltywhen not. Selekt DSM: Edition Hub poseses three stainles -steelfeet,each im pres ed with a silcon ‘O ’- ring which aids in decoupling from the surface on which they sit.Upon approach,an aray ofsensors rouse SelektDSM :Edition Hub from its unobtrusive sleep;ilum inating functionalinform ation through its m irored glas fascia as one reaches forthe gently glowing dial. A broad range ofconnectionson Edition Hub’sback panelensuresthatitcanreceive,proces and expertly deliver audio from any source im aginable; with a high-performance, integrated, analogue-to-digital conversion stage ac epting anything from turntables to CD players, and a host of digital connections alowing connection from video streaming devices, gam esconsoles,and Blu-rayplayers— ensuring you

get the bestpos ible sound from anything

you connectto yourSelektDSM . Additionaly,to provide optionalbas

reinforcement in your system, Edition Hub features stereo RCA line out connectors designed to feed powered subwoofers. Conveniently concealed on the enclosure’s left wal is a 1/4” headphone jack — providing Edition Hub with further welcom e versatilty, withoutdisrupting the clean design ofitsfrontal aspect. Edition Hub features,asstandard,Linn’sal-new, exceptionaly eficient, highly responsive, and precision-regulated power supply design — theirbestyet– Utopik.Edition Hub ships with up to 24bit/384kHz and DSD256 stream ing capabilty. Edition Hub features Linn’s groundbreaking room-corection software – Space O ptim isation – as standard. W e wil configure this foryou to ensure thatyou only hear your system ’s true sound and capabilty, and notthe distortions caused by yourroom ’s unique dim ensionsand construction. SelektDSM :Edition Hub isavailable in eithera naturalsilver-orblack-anodised finish.


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