Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

DACs The nextchoice to consider,iswhich ofthe three tiers of digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) perform ance you wilchoose foryourSelektDSM : whetheritbe the Standard option,upgrading to high-perform ance Katalyst, or specifying Linn’s reference-levelDAC architecture – O rganik. Standard DAC The standard option;a stereo DAC m odule that perform sbeautifuly. KatalystDAC Gain a deeperinsightinto yourm usic;upgrade to Katalyst for astonishing levels of detail and m usicalityin alapplications. OrganikDAC Designed without com prom ise, and engineered entirely in-house, O rganik is the culm ination of Linn’s over thirty years of digital technology expertise; it is undisputedly the highest-perform ing DAC architecture to everbear the Linn nam e. O rganik isnow available forSelektDSM ;in either stereo or, for maximum performance, dualm ono.For m axim um perform ance — the highestlevelofsublim e sonic quality achievable from Selekt DSM – Linn has an exceptional, relentles ly optim ised, dual-m ono O rganik DAC configuration available,with Line O utconnections to feed yourdesired externalam plification.

SelektDSM :EditionHub,featuring stereo O rganik DAC, com fortably surpas es the perform ance benchm ark set by previous-generation Klim ax DSM with Katalyst. The top-performing, dualm ono O rganik in Edition Hub raisesthatbar higherstil. Once you’ve chosen your desired DAC perform ance level,you wil choose whatrole you would like SelektDSM to perform in yourhom e today — with the option to expand and upgrade itscapabiltiesin future. Source-O nly Ifyou’relooking to replacethenucleusofyourhi-fi separatessystem ,SelektDSM in itssim plestform is just the thing for you. It is a superb, high-perform ance source thatwilplaybeautifuly with yourexternalam plification. Source + Integrated Am plif iers Ifyou seekthe elegantconvenience ofa one-box system , Selekt DSM – with the addition of integrated amplifiers — becomes the highest-perform ing, al-in-one digital source on the m arket.Justadd speakers. For the hi-fi enthusiast seeking higher perform ance,yourSelektDSM can be expanded for biam ping, tri-am ping, and can even be Exakt-enabled to drive certain 3rd-party loudspeakers— from one single box!


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