Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

Connectto yourTV W il SelektDSM be the centre ofyourfam ily’s hom e entertainm ent? W ith its com prehensive aray ofdigitaland analogue connectivity,your Selekt DSM wil receive, proces , and deliver sum ptuoussound,no m aterthesource.Connect to your television via the in-built HDM I ARC socket(oroptforthe additionalHDM Iswitching m odule featuring high-resolution eARC) to render m ovie, video gam e, and TV show soundtrackswith stunning clarityand power. HomeCinema Forhom e cinem a devotees,SelektDSM can be configured to form the high-perform ance heart ofyourm ultichannelsetup.The addition ofboth a DSP and HDM I switching m odule faciltates hom etheatreoutputoptionsranging from 2.1up to 7.2 Suround Sound – with al the required connectivity for satelite speakers and subwooferson-board SelektDSM . AlSelektDSM ownersbenefitfrom regular,free, over-the-air software updates; bringing you improved features and performance enhancem entsovernight,directlyfrom Linn. The breadth ofpos ibilty within the SelektDSM ecosystem isvast.Startwith yourchoice ofHub – either Clasic, or the deluxe and higher-perform ance Edition. Then select your desired DAC level — whether Standard, upgraded to Katalyst,orthepeakperform anceof Organik – before considering how yourSelektDSM wil be tailored to yourown specificapplication. W hether you’re working your way towards the separates system of your dream s with Selekt DSM as source-only, the highest-perform ance al-in-one-box product available with on-board am ps,the heartofyourhom e entertainm entin partnership with your TV, or you seek a fuly integrated 5.1 Suround Sound receiver… whetheryourwish isto bi-am p,oreven tri-am p your loudspeakers from a single, luxurious, silver-anodised or black box – Selekt DSM ac om plishesalwith alacrity.

SelektDSM is the m ostconfigurable digitalm usic playerever.It’sa fulycustom isable and future-proof product ecosystem for hi-fienthusiasts;a unique, high-perform ance ofering unlike anything else on the m arket.M ake ityourown… Thetop-perform ing new SelektDSM configurations, featuring both Edition Hub enclosure and O rganik DAC, don’t just comprehensively outperform Akurate streamers of any age — but previous-generation Klim ax DSM with Katalysttoo! They’re visualy sublim e products,with stratospheric perform ance to m atch. Ithasto be heard to be believed… Getin touch to arangeadem onstrationofSelektDSM :EditionHub with Organik DAC, and to discover options for trading-inyourAkurateDSorDSM .W elookforward to guiding you to the next stage of your Linn upgrade journey.



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