W hich is another item that has always m ade m e wonderwhyreviewers,and hi-fim agazineshave not applied a review proces thatreducesthisproblem . The solution issim ple,you ask the m anufacturerof whateverpiece ofequipm entyou wantto review to subm ita com plete system within which he believes thatthe specific piece wil perform atits best,and then review the overal result, together with a conclusion on how the reviewer(orreviewers)feel thatthe m anufacturerhasachieved hisstated goals with the productin question.Thiswould rem ove 90 per cent of m anufacturer excuses, and give the reader(end consum er)am uchbeterideaofwhatto choose. If m ore tim e had been spent investigating the fundamental problems, and les time on constructing a great marketing story, and subsequentexcuses(where neces ary),perhapswe would have beter, and m ore satisfying m usic reproduction equipm enttoday. Back once again:The Single-Ended Triode.
In 1948-49 the single m ost im portant negative
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