Flowtech Catalogue

Gear Pumps Roquet is a premium manufacturer of gear pumps and motors ranging from 0.33-150 cm 3 /rev. As standard, all Roquet gear pumps are manufactured with cast iron front and rear covers reducing noise and increasing the product s life cycle. This design also enables the unit to accommodate in-built valves for speed control, etc. Roquet pumps have an anechoic chamber, where engineers have designed the gear profi le to reduce noise levels. Gear Pumps A gear pump is a positive displacement pump. It contains two identical interlocking gears, supported by separate shafts. Generally, one gear is driven by a motor, and this in turn drives the other gear (idler gear). Fixed volumes of n uid are enclosed between the outer gear teeth mechanically using a cyclic pumping action. This delivers a smooth and pulse- free n ow, which is proportional to the rotational speed of the gears. Close tolerances between the gears prevent n uid from transferring back through the centre. Also, close tolerances between the gears and the casing allow the pump to create suction at the inlet, and prevents n uid leaking back from the outlet. (Leakage is more likely with low viscosity liquids)


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