2023 Social Impact Report

EMENT IAC Employee Working Groups Working groups play an essential role in creating the culture at CREA. Under the direction and leadership of the Inclusion Advisory Council (IAC), each working group focuses on planning, executing and evaluating CREA’s DEI efforts both internally and externally. These groups are comprised of CREA employees who volunteer their time and talents to moving the work that CREA is doing in the area of DEI forward.

Working Groups Include: • Representation & Brand • Social Impact • Engagement & Belonging • Business Impact

Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led groups that join together based on similar characteristics or life experiences. ERGs allow employees to build a sense of belonging while developing strategies to create a supportive environment that meets their unique needs. Although these groups are geared to support specific affinity groups, they are open for all employees to participate as allies. ERGs Include: • ALAANA (African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American) • Caregivers

• LGBTQ+ • Womens


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