

derstanding of 15 different gifts that an empath might have. How many of these empath gifts are emotional ? Exact- ly 2. How many of these empath gifts are physical ? Exactly 2. Which leaves how many empath gifts that are alto- gether different ? Exactly 11. Fact is, until empaths learn effective skills, we suffer. Obviously, I believe in teaching empath skills to change that. If you’re an empath, find a teacher who can bring you good results, whichever teacher appeals to you most. In general, Clarity-Seeking Reader, we empaths need effective skills for turning our empath gifts OFF. Improv- ing our quality of life, that’s the main thing. (Although many empaths I’ve taught are in love with the more ad- vanced—and optional— skill of learn- ing how to do Skilled Empath Merge.) What if you’re no empathy, but in- stead you’ve simply got an empath in your life? Do you need to speak gen- tly and equip yourself with tissues for dispensing at a moment’s notice? Resoundingly, no. That would be ut- terly laughable, if not also so annoying. Empaths are exactly like other people, only more sensitive. Each empath is responsible for finding a good teacher, somebody who can teach them effec- tive skills. Another person’s stuckness is hardly your responsibility, so please don’t let confused empaths in your life pity-bully you. Don’t let today’s rampant victim talk fool you. Regarding sensitivity, everyone’s a winner. Have you ever heard of the Energy Spirituality Sen- sitivity Scale ? I discovered it last year. This is a way to use skills of energetic literacy, plus my experience as an Em- path Coach, to gauge a person’s degree of lifelong sensitivity. I’ll tell you more about that in the next issue of Pathways. Meanwhile, Clarity-Seeking Reader, consider this…Whatever your degree of sensitivity in life, it’s part of the beauty of your soul. Therefore, here’s your right-side-up truth: However sensitive you happen to be, it’s a life- long sensitivity talent. Consider it a blessing, helping you to make this life of yours magnificent. Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality. Her 1,000+ media interviews include the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times , USA Today , and “The View.” Did you know? Rose is America’s most experienced Empath Coach. Start learning with “Empath Empowerment in 30 Days,” or take the Free Intro to her Empath Empowerment Workshops. Learn more about Energy Spirituality at www.; and on her popular blog at, which recently surpassed 75,000 comments. To schedule a personal session, contact Mitch@rose- Follow Rose on Twitter & Facebook. Click here to learn about the 15 Empath Gifts of Empath Empowerment ® : See also her ad on page 57.

empath skills strengthen a person’s sense of self, whereas upside-down teachings weaken it. Never once have I heard complaints about narcissists from my Empath Empowerment stu- dents. Right-Side-Up Help for Empaths Popular confusions aside, an em- path is one who has at least one sig- nificant gift for directly experiencing what it’s like to be another person. The upside-down ideas we’ve considered here are not really about empaths so much as recycling popular ideas about victimhood. When unskilled empaths do suffer, it may have nothing to do with emotion- al or physical problems. Every single empath was born an empath. Simply that. However, we weren’t born with empath skills . Heck, have you seen a baby lately? Babies don’t even know they’ve got toes, at least not until they start chewing on their feet! As previously noted, I’ve used ener- getic literacy skills to develop an un-

Energetic Literacy: Empaths, Gain Clarity ...continued from page 31

IN REALITY…Empaths are born, not made. My main reason for know- ing this is true is Energetic Literacy. Specifically, being an empath or not shows aurically while a baby is still in the womb. Why, exactly, do I think so? Because some of my clients, while pregnant, asked me to use advanced skills of energetic literacy to research their babies-in-progress, which I’ve done, down to identifying babies’ spe- cific empath gifts. Unfortunately, most empath teach- ers happen to be illiterate. That’s right. Undoubtedly many empath experts are skilled at word literacy, but they lack Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, which regular readers of this column know is the minimum skill level to be able to read chakra databanks at all, let alone accurately research who’s been born as an empath.

Empaths and Narcissists: 854,000 hits on Google SUPPOSEDLY…Narcissists attack empaths, purposely draining their energy, sabotaging them, and making their lives miserable. Narcissists can somehow find empaths , then delight in tormenting them. IN REALITY…Conversations about so-called narcissists vastly over-rate this problem; just like other conversa- tions where empaths are supposedly the victims of energy vampires, psychic vampires, or emotional vampires. It re- minds me of advice I heard once from a wise man: When you’re choosing which politician to vote for, pay atten- tion to whichever ones mostly blames people. Avoid those politicians. Choose politicians who offer something construc- tive. Likewise, study with an empath expert who offers you something bet- ter than fear-talk. What’s more, consider this: Effective


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