

Body, Mind, and Spirit Psychotherapy: A Synergistic Approach

What Will It Take to “Build Back Better”? ...continued from page 33

system, the people must lead. Our in- dividual actions, our movements, our cities, and our states need to continue to lead the way with steps far more transformative than is possible at the national level. To build back better, we must ap- plaud the best steps at global, national, and local levels, while recognizing that the essential transformation is ulti- mately up to us working together for the good of all. DAVIDKORTEN is co-founder of YES! Media, president of the Living Economies Forum, a member of the Club of Rome, and the author of influential books, including “When Corporations Rule the World” and “Change the Story, Change the Fu- ture: A Living Economy for a Living Earth.” His work builds on lessons from the 21 years he and his wife, Fran, lived and worked in Africa, Asia, and Latin America on a quest to end global poverty. This article first appeared online Janu- ary 21, 2021, at and is reprinted with their permission un- der their Creative Commons license.

This deepens the meaning of the motto, “Build Back Better.” The human capacity for innovative local adaptation requires the support of radically democratic local, national, and global governance structures sup- ported by worker and community- owned cooperative businesses that meld individual and collective rights and responsibilities in ways that honor the best of conservative and progres- sive values. Framing the possible vision and the path to its actualization necessarily be- gins with a dialogue that transcends traditional political lines, which is largely impossible in the two-party win-or-lose political system now in place. President Biden presents himself as a facilitator of transpartisan dialogue and cooperation, with Kamala Harris as his well-chosen partner. They are working, however, within a failing system nearly impossible to reform from within. With skill and dedication, they can repair much of the damage of the Trump years and propel us on a better path. But to truly transform the

Farinaz Amirsehi, LPC, RN Licensed Professional Counselor In McLean, VA

YUEN Method Developed by Dr. Kam Yuen, The YUEN method is a non-invasive energetic method that produces fast results in transformation of vibrational causes for any imbalance resulting in the manifestation of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual symptoms. In this method, there is no need to re-live any traumatic incident. Clients often report instantaneous relief and loss of any charge associated with traumatic memories.

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Farinaz Amirsehi is a Licensed Counselor, a Nationally Certified Counselor, and Registered Nurse, practicing at the Healing Light Center, LLC in McLean, VA. Trained as an EMDR Therapist, Emotional Transformation Therapist, NMT Practitioner, YUEN practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Professional Somatic Integration Therapist, and Ancestral Family Constellation Therapist, Farinaz combines the principles of Eastern philosophies, Transpersonal Psychology, Body Psychotherapy, Subtle Energy Fields, and cutting edge technology in facilitating the healing process of her clients. Additionally, Farinaz has extensive experience with severely Traumatized populations such as survivors of politically motivated torture as well as a wide range of somatic, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual issues. Farinaz is also an established presenter at national and regional conferences. She has provided trainings for professionals of different disciplines on the impact of trauma on body, mind, and spirit. Healing Light Center, LLC 1313 Vincent Place, McLean, VA 22101 Phone: 703-288-1566

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