Vegan ‘Tuna’ Salad
desperately struggle to escape. They are hauled from the water, suffocated and manhandled. Even if they are later returned to the water, many end up perishing from the injury and trauma, often after lingering in agony for days or longer. So are the many birds and other animals who become impaled by hooks or entangled in fishing line left strewn around. Fishing isn’t sport; there is nothing fair about it. The fish are victims, not willing participants. As society develops a better sensi- bility towards our fellow species, fish- ing and hunting have been decreasing in popularity. To try to reverse this trend, in order to fund fishing-related agencies and to sell fishing and boat- ing equipment, government and the recreational fishing industry are heav- ily promoting fishing to children (and women, disabled people, and others). One way of doing this is through fish- ing “rodeos”: free events where chil- dren are provided with fishing poles and bait, and can win prizes for catch- ing the smallest or largest fish. While these events are supposed to teach kids how to fish, they are largely unsuper- vised and often staffed with people who are inept at handling fishes. There are so many nonviolent ways to appreciate and enjoy nature. Fishing is not one of them. Just as cockfighting and dogfighting have been recognized
stream supermarkets at affordable prices. On the Fish Feel website (www., as well as on plant-based nutrition and cooking sites, you can find hundreds of vegan seafood recipes and cookbooks, and links to compa- nies that offer vegan seafood products. (*See sample recipes below.) With such alternatives available that are better for us, for other animals, and for the envi- ronment, it only makes sense to opt for them, especially when they are so deli- cious! Teach Your Children Well: Fish Feel Like other animals, fish can feel fear and pain, and they have a strong will to live. They have a complex nervous system with pain receptors throughout their bodies, including in their sensi- tive mouths. Their bodies produce opi- oid painkillers, and they quickly learn to avoid painful stimuli. As with other sentient beings, they deserve respect and compassion, not gratuitous cruelty. Recreational fishing is often pictured as a wholesome, harmless, and even admirable pastime. After all, didn’t StarKist’s Charlie Tuna continually want to be caught? In reality, fishing is a very cruel and violent activity. Live ani- mals are often used as bait, which en- tails impaling and drowning them. Fish are tricked into becoming impaled, and are violently fought (“played”) as they
as animal abuse, so should fishing. “Teach your children well.” Teach them—and adults—to have respect and compassion for fishes and for all animals, not to willfully torture and/ or kill them. Fishing is a great way to desensitize children to the suffering of others. It is a gateway to other animal abuse. Fishes desperately need your help. Please be an advocate for them! Help inform others of the cruelty of fishing. Discuss it with your friends and fam- ily; post comments about it on social media; write letters to newspapers; and call in to talk-radio programs. Let the public know fishes and all animals deserve kindness not cruelty! Visit the Fish Feel website for fact sheets and materials about these and other issues. Vegan Tuna Recipes If you’re a vegetarian or vegan who misses tuna salad or tuna sandwiches, you can get a very similar taste and tex- ture using all the same ingredients, but substituting the tuna with chickpeas or tofu and adding a bit of kelp seaweed for a fishy flavor. Serve on your favorite bread, or in a lettuce wrap for a low- carb option. Here are two easy recipes to get you started.
Prep Time: 30 minutes Yield: 2 servings Allergens: Gluten Free
Nutrition facts: Calories: 273 kcal; Fat: 7 grams; Protein: 40 grams; Fiber: 11 grams; Sugar: 7 grams; Carbohydrates: 52 grams Ingredients: Chickpeas - 1 can, drained and rinsed Carrots - 1/3 cup, grated Celery - 1/3 cup, diced Onion - 1/8 cup, diced Raisins - 1 tablespoon, chopped Nori - 1 teaspoon, chopped* Vegan mayo - 3 tablespoons Relish - 1 tablespoon Tamari/Soy Sauce - 1 1/2 teaspoons Mustard - 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice - 1 teaspoon
continued on page 42
“Have You Had a Spiritual Is it time to remember why you came Become the Awakened Soul – Explore the Wisdom Within You! Experience?”
Diverse Inclusive Welcoming
Sunday, March 28, 2021 7-8 pm Why Is This Happening And How Can I Fix It? ECK Wisdom on Solving Problems Online Spiritual Discussions
Serving the Greater Washington DC Metro Area
Awaken to your magnificence! Experience powerful, uplifting messages Immerse in a variety of meditations Deepen your spiritual journey with education Enjoy great live music
You are Soul – and have the god- like power of creative imagina- tion within you. You can use this power to find solutions for every problem and take charge of your own life. But how can you tap
into those abilities? How can you create a happier and more productive life for yourself – even in very difficult times? We’ll explore ways to more consciously connect with the Divine power, make true peace with the past, and transform the way we identify and work with problems. When you RSVP to you’ll receive the Zoom link. See you there!
Sunday, May 2, 2021 11 am to 12 pm
Join us weekdays at 8:00–8:45 a.m. for meditation on Zoom Sundays, 10:00 a.m. on Zoom Until further notice, all gatherings will be on Zoom. Our Zoom link is: 840215?pwd=K0tmYXdKajU0Q2xSMFlBNE0yK3RH dz09
The Spirit of Love and Adventure: An ECK Light and Sound Service
For more information about these – and other – Eckankar events, please call 703-916-0515 or visit our website at These events are free and open to the public Northern Virginia ECK Center (Merrifield), 2810 Old Lee Highway, Suite 301, Fairfax, VA 22031 Sponsored by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom “We talk about many different things in ECK. But always in the back- ground, standing right behind it all, is this love current, the Life Stream of ECK. The teachings of God boil down to the enjoyment of life and the spirit of loving life. It always gets back to love, life, and loving life. Each of you now has to reexamine yourself and try to recapture that spirit of love and adventure.” -Harold Klemp, The Drumbeat of Time, page 126 An ECK Light and Sound Service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. Please join us on this spiritual adventure! You’ll receive the Zoom link when you RSVP to
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Rev. Trish Hall, Spiritual Leader Amazon International Award-Winning Author
PATHWAYS—Spring 21—41
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