APRIL, cont. from pg 51 4/10-11 Bach Flower Basics Course introduces Dr. Bach’s simple system of healing. Flower essences are energetic water infused remedies, which are different from essential oils and aro- matherapy, but also help restore your mind-body health. Live virtual class is taught in two sessions - 3 hours each. Visit www.Rainbowchihealing.com/ classes or contact: Barbara Binney, rainchi2014@gmail.com.
–11– Continuing Beginners T’ai Chi, spring session starting Sundays at Glen Echo T’ai Chi. All classes online, 11am-12pm, for students with some prior experience. For more informa- tion and to register online: www.glenechotai.com, or email emearskenn@aol.com. –14– Soul School: Finding Inner Peace, Balance and Security , via Zoom, led by Joanne Selinske, PhD, Cht, of Soul Source. May’s topic: Living in Joy and Higher Purpose. Register by April 13th and May 11th to receive Zoom log-in. $55/session. Register at https://thesoulsource.net/index. php/register-pay-for-events/. Contact 410-371-7950. –17– 4/17-18 Energy Structure & Mechan- ics . This class is the base on which the remainder of the core curriculum is
tunity for those who want to develop their mediumship & psychic abilities. Via Zoom. www.mediumshamandc.com –28– Poetry & Anatomy, 10am-12:30pm, Potomac Massage Training Insti- tute . Carey Taussig, D.O. (IT) brings forward a beautiful lecture on finding reflections between anatomy and na- ture, and using the essence of those re- flections to enhance healing work. $75. Pre-register for a Zoom link: www. pmti.org/events-1/poetry-anatomy. MAY –1– Connection with Practice Funda- mentals, Potomac Massage Training Institute. The Connection Practice— a wellness habit for living happily with yourself and others. Experience grounded communication and un- derstand the link between feelings, needs, and physiological changes in the human heart rate, which either facilitates or inhibits one’s access to clear thinking. $145. Pre-register for Zoom link: www.pmti.org/events-1/ connection-practice-fundamentals. Enlightened Rest: Yoga Nidra, The Yoga of Sleep. Experience unsur- passed relief from stress and fatigue. With Claudia Neuman, MSW, E- RYT-500, YACEP. At Blue Heron Well- ness Center. 4-5:30pm. www.blueheronwellness.com/yoga- work-shops-blue-heron-wellness/ to register. GardenDC Weekly Podcast, hosted every Saturday by Kathy Jentz, Editor of Washington Gardener Magazine. All about gardening in the greater Washington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic area. Available to listen through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Prior episodes archived at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/pod- cast/gardendc/id1502631179. www.WashingtonGardener.com –2– The Spirit of Love and Adventure: An ECK Light and Sound Service . 11am – 12pm. All are welcome. RSVP to spiritualdiscussions12@gmail. com for the Zoom invite. Eckankar of Northern Virginia: 703-916-0515. –3– Free Meditation Evening (online) with New Future Society Center (NFSC), every Monday and Thursday, 7:30-8:30pm. For beginners and expe- rienced meditators as well as practitio- ners of all levels of other disciplines. Call for reservation if it is your first time at the NFSC: 301-452-7780. More info: www.newfuturesocietycenter. com/New_Future_Society_Center/ meditation.html. –6– Mediumship Teleconferencing Circle 6-weeks via Zoom. This is your op- portunity to practice spirit communi- cation in a group from the comfort of your home via Zoom conferencing.
Under the guidance of Spiritualist me- dium and author Konstanza Morning Star. www.mediumshamandc.com/ teleclass-circle –8– Movie Night: Shamanism 101 (online event), 7-9:15pm, Free. Overview of what shamans do, the difference between meditation and shamanic states, and the role of entheogens. Our clips offer answers from Nicholas Breezewood of Sacred Hoop journal. Contact Mary Rooker at Shamanic Spring for link to participate: http://shamanicspring.com/contact. html. –11– New Moon and Seasonal Medita- tions (by Zoom), from the Reiki Center of Greater Washington, 7:30pm. Cost is $10 for the public; $5 for RCGW students or clients. Visit us at www.reikicenter.info; scheduling & registration: www.schedulicity.com/ scheduling/RCONFY. –12– Soul School: Living in Joy and High- er Purpose, via Zoom, led by Joanne Selinske, PhD, Cht, of Soul Source. Register by May 11th to receive Zoom log-in. $55/session. Register at https://thesoulsource.net/index. php/register-pay-for-events/. Contact 410-371-7950. –13– The Angel Empowerment Hour , free online workshop series offered at 7pm every Thursday by Alix Moore. Each week, the angels and I teach you how to use simple, metaphysical tools to choose and change your reality. Sign up at www.yoursoulstruth.com. –14– 5/14-21 Poplar Spring’s (Virtual) Run for the Animals . The 18th Annual 5K Run for the Animals and 1-Mile Fun Walk as a virtual event, and all funds raised will benefit the 250+ rescued animals who live at Poplar Spring, and will be used directly to provide feed, hay and vet care for the rescued animals. All registered participants will receive a custom commemora- tive Run for the Animals Medal! More info: www.animalsanctuary.org/events. –15– Becoming Intuitive: Channeling Mediumship. This class teaches you the basics of channeling and medi- umship—what they are and how to perform each. Experience the dif- ference between these two types of intuition and how to use your energy to create these experiences. Practice exercises included. To register: call Wanda at 812-705-5135; or email Katie, katielynn3492@gmail.com. All classes are online until further notice. www.lasseterlundy.com 5/15-16, 22-22 Bach Flower Level 1 Introductory Program introduces Dr. Bach’s simple system of healing. Level 1 teaches more information and case studies than Basics course. Live
TAROT Intuitive Readings by Tim Boyd Certified Tarot Consultant Internationally Renowned
Amos With Joy Amos Snider and Julie Joy are serving the world community with open hearts and healing hands. Amos Medical Intuitive Seeing clients on the second full weekend of each month in DC area. Release emotional patterns, relieve stress, sleep issues, herbal consulting and more! Psychic Readings with Julie Joy Receive a psychic reading through the Akashic Records. A powerful navigational tool for your life. Visit www.amoswithjoy.com for more services. 202-922-8855 built. Learning includes: What en- ergy is and how it works; the support structure that allows energy to move in and around humans; the layers of consciousness, or subtle bodies, and the interconnections throughout; the etheric fabric and grid; the commu- nication system in the aura; all of the many energy flows possible for hu- mans; the interrelationships between form, energy support systems, and energy flows; how the energy sys- tem distorts and why. Time: 12-6pm (Both Days). Tuition: $495 if paid by March 2, 2021: $540 after 3/2/2021. To register: call Wanda at 812-705-5135; or email Katie, katielynn3492@gmail. com. All classes are online until fur- ther notice. www.lasseterlundy.com –18– Pathways Natural Living VIRTUAL Expo. More information coming soon! Check for updates at www.pathway- smagazine.com, and follow us on social media: www.facebook.com/ PathwaysMagazine; www.facebook. com/NaturalLivingExpo. –21– Mediumship Development Circle, 8-weeks via Zoom. 7:30-9:30pm: Spiri- tualist Medium Konstanza Morning Star offers this unique practice oppor-
Call 703-521-1115 For Appointment
Member: American Tarot Association
World Tarot Network Capital Tarot Society
Readings in: Falls Church,VA
Telephone Readings (Call for info)
E-mail: timstarot@aol.com Website: www.timstarot.com
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