
 gŏđŏ Operating rooms at CCH


Le/The Journal invites its readers to send pictures from the past (before year 2000) that we could pub- lish during the coming weeks. The submissions should in- ecutive Officer. On the day of surgery, the patient arrives two hours prior. Surgical time is approxi- mately 10-15 minutes per eye and many choose to have both completed on that day. 9 out of 10 patients are waiting 65 days for cataract surgery at CCH while provin- cially 9 of 10 people are waiting 135 days for cataract surgery, that’s a shorter wait time of 70 days.In the past, patients had to wear thick glasses to correct their vision af- ter surgery. Now, artificial intraocular lenses (I.O.L.s) replace the eye’s natural lens that is removed during cataract surgery. IOLs can also be used to solve vision problems such as astigmatism, depth perception, and im- prove night vision reading. After cataract surgery is complete, the patient is seen later that day or the next day to verify eye pres- sure and visual acuity, another follow-up appointment is scheduled a week after. Cat- aract surgery is common, but can still carry certain risks. The average complication rate is around 2 to 5 per cent and Dr. Yousseff’s personal complication rate is 0.2 per cent.


CORNWALL | The six new operating rooms at Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH), which opened in April 2013, offer a wide range of procedures using the latest, cutting-edge surgical equipment. One specialty area that is excelling in this new space is ophthalmology. “The equipment and OR space at Corn- wall Community Hospital are appealing to any surgeon, Dr. Youssef and I feel proud to serve this community and feel lucky to have the best equipment to do surgery”, exclaimed Dr. Christine Seuss, Chief of the Ophthalmology department at CCH. Cataracts are the most common ophthal- mology procedure at CCH, averaging over 100 per month. “We have improved access to the service significantly with a 49 per cent reduction in wait times for cataract surgery from 2012 to 2013”, explains Jeanette Despatie, Chief Ex-

Submitted photo

On Feb 19, the Service Club Council of Cornwall and Area held its annual banquet at the Royal Canadian Legion to celebrate the past year and to install their new executive for the 2014-15 year. From left to right is ShirleyWellman, representing Reinhold Eisner of the Kiwanis Club who was unable to attend but will be vice president of the SCC; Margo Schwerdtfeger of the CatholicWomen’s League, trea- surer; Sean Yaphe, guest speaker from the Montreal Rotaract Club; Ralph Brun- ton of the Cornwall Optimist Club, president; Marvin Plumadore of the Royal Ca- nadian Legion - Branch 297, secretary; and Mayor Bob Kilger who presided at the installation of the new executive.


Le/The Journal désire inviter la population à lui faire parvenir des photos, datant d’avant l’an 2000, qu’il pour- rait publier tout au long de l’année.

Les soumissions de photos devront in- clure, le nom, ainsi que l’adresse et numéro de téléphone de l’expéditeur; la date à

clude the name, address and tele- phone number of the sender; the date the picture

laquelle la photo fut prise; à quelle occasion ou pourquoi la photo fut prise; l’identification de la photo (un exploit, un im- meuble historique, un feu, les personnes dans la photo); toute autre information qui pourrait susciter l’intérêt des lectrices et lecteurs. Les photos seront retournées à son propriétaire après publication. Bientôt, Le/The Journal publiera un certain nombre de pho- tos, qui contiennent les informations demandées, dans une page intitulée SOUVENIRS D’ANTAN. Les photos doivent être d’intérêt pour la population de Cornwall et la région. Faites parvenir ou apportez vos photos à :

was taken; for which occasion and why it was taken; the iden- tification of the picture (a contest, an achievement, a historic moment, a fire, the names of the people in the picture) and any information that would be of interest to the readers. The pictures will be returned to the sender after publication. Soon, Le/The Journal will publish a number of pictures with the submitted information, in a page called Down Memory Lane. The pictures have to be of interest to the people of Corn- wall and area. Please send or bring your pictures to:

LE/THE JOURNAL, 625 CH. MONTREAL RD, CORNWALL, ON K6H 1C3 e-mail/courriel:

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