Helpful resources
MHFA England website Information on training courses and free toolkits for your workplace.
ACAS Mental Health in the Workplace guidance
Business in the Community’s Mental Health Toolkit for Employers: This will help you build a culture that champions positive mental health and provide a greater understanding of how to help those who need more support.
Business in the Community’s Suicide prevention and postvention toolkits.
City Mental Health Alliance guide to Thriving at Work.
Health and Safety Executive guidance on: Mental health conditions, work and the workplace, Work related stress
Mental Health at Work gateway A hub of links to information and resources for workplaces of all sizes.
This is Me campaign Encourages organisations to share their employees’ lived experiences about mental health. PwC’s video is a great example. Thriving at Work: a review of mental health and employers An independent review of mental health and employers by Lord Dennis Stevenson and Paul Farmer. Hear from other organisations on how they implement MHFA England training Read case studies from organisations across a range of sectors at Watch video case studies on our YouTube channel.
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