Atlas PT. June Newsletter

June 2019

INSIDE : Name That Year Patient Success Spotlight Relieve Stiff Knees In Minutes

Tasty Recipe Fun & Games

Easter morning, we got a very special surprise visit from the Easter Bunny!! It’s the first time the girls have met the E.B., and they were tickled! I enjoyed my last official Helping Parent shift for Kathryn’s class when they spent a whole day at Down’s Park. They set up a spotting scope and we got a great look at a Bald Eagle and two eaglets in their huge nest. Kathryn is practicing her whistling and sounds like a mourning dove. Samantha did a great job in the chorus for the 1st Grade Play: Stone Soup. We attended an Enviromental Fair at her school. During the last hour, she set up her own table promoting clean water with her friends! From Dr. Sam: “My Mom, Dad, and sister drove

down from PA for the weekend to celebrate Mother’s Day as well as visit my brother who was in D.C. for the week with his fiancé. Dad, Mom, Rachel (sister), Alissa (girlfriend) and myself had a fun filled Saturday. We started at Sagamore Distillery for their whiskey tour and had an amazing lunch. We then traveled to Fort McHenry and learned a lot about the birthplace of the Star-Spangled Banner. We Finished at Camden Yards to watch the Orioles play. It was an enjoyable day to show my family what Baltimore has to offer.” We hope you made or reflected on your own Mother’s and Father’s Day memories! - Dr. Laura Sanner, Founder of Atlas PT

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