TFH Catalog 2021 (Eng)

Movement | Visual

Liquid Timer Pack 21 different silent timers, as you turn the Liquid Timers you see the colours gradually rise and fall. 3LQTP $199.00

Jumbo Glitter Tube Strong plastic tube with slow-moving shiny elements within. • 30cm 4JGLT

Kaleidoscope This jumbo-sized


kaleidoscope comes with a double-colour glitter wand. Both of the colours create fun “slow-motion” images. • 23cm 4KALE $35.00

Glitter Tube Turn the tube over and the tiny

metallic coloured foil leaves flutter through the non-toxic liquid. • 28cm 4GLTT $15.95

Light up Aquarium x1 Interesting shapes gently float about in an illuminated tank. Shake to activate. • 13 x 5cm 6LUAQ $17.00

Colour Illusion Full-colour display case, colour may vary. • 7 x 12cm 6CLIL $13.00

To place an order Tel: 514 273-9186 / 1 800-361-0378 Fax: 514 273-8627

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