The Lones t ar Truck Group | TAG Truck Cen t er Cus t omer So l u t i on Cen t er
How can the Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Customer Solutions Center help me? As one of the largest truck dealership groups in America, we ut i l ize our vast network to faci l i tate your needs anywhere in the country. The goal of our team is to minimize your downt ime and save you money whenever possible. We handle al l si tuat ions, large or smal l . Everything from breakdowns to something as simple as connect ing your Bluetooth to the media center in your truck. We also assist wi th al l of your warranty quest ions. When you need help, we are here for you for as long as you own your truck. From the moment we get involved unt i l your truck is back on the road, we stay in touch wi th the service center and give you dai ly updates on the status of your repair. The Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center Customer Solut ions Center strives to be the best in business at managing your downt ime and developing posi t ive relat ionships. We look forward to working wi th you and gaining your conf idence. How do I contact the Lonestar Truck Group | TAG Truck Customer Solutions Center? Just one cal l to 888-600-1365 24 hours a day, 7 days a week wi l l offer a solut ion to any issue. Or emai l us at ltgcustomersolutions@tntxtruck.com
Introducing our Guaranteed Maintenance Account
Looking for a way to budget your maintenance costs and to reduce your out of pocket expenses? Give us a cal l or e-mai l us and ask about our GMA, Guaranteed Maintenance Account. GMA’s are supported via the Solut ions Center ut i l izing our expansive Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center dealer group. PM’s, brakes, hoses, sensors, l ights, DPF’s, are just a few of the i tems covered. Reach out to learn more on how we can help you. The Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center Customer Solution Center At Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center, we place a very high value on our relat ionships wi th our customers. When you invest in our products, a partnership between your business and Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center is created. For as long as you own your truck, we’re here to help when you need i t. To maximize our abi l i ty to assist you, we offer the Lonestar Truck Group/ TAG Truck Center Customer Solut ions Center. What is the Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center Customer Solutions Center? The Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Group Customer Solut ions Center is a team of dedicated customer advocates whose primary role is to support Lonestar Truck Group/TAG Truck Center customers who have purchased Freight l iner or Western Star trucks.
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