CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024

Kelle Vandenberg discussed the five economic development goals they are focusing on. The framework includes collaboration, economic resilience, balanced growth, community investment, and preservation. Currently, they are heavily focused on collaboration, which is necessary for implementation of the plan. Heidi Cerniwey described the implementation process as moving from paper to pavement. Building the plan took a shared vision, and implementation of that plan will take the courage and commitment to work together. She added that economic development is everyone’s job. Next steps include: • Establishing an Implementation Team • Identifying organizational lanes and single point of coordination • Defining communication best practices and tools • Reviewing goals/tasks/allocate resources/designate team to task. • Letting the teams do their work. VP Morse thanked the City and County for their support. He added that the Kittitas County Conference of Governments approved a resolution on February 7, 2024, in which CWU was endorsed to assist with developing an implementation monitoring process and governance structure for the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Trustee Nellams commented that in the eight years he has been a CWU trustee he has never had a presentation where the city, County, and Central have shown so much collaboration. He commended the group on their partnership. ACTION AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda The formal recognition for our faculty and staff is contained in our consent agenda. Motion 24-03: Ms. Gillis moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves the consent actions items submitted February 16, 2024. Mr. Nellams seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Approval of Housing & Dining Rate Increase Motion 24-04: Mr. Hensler moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves the proposed Housing and Dining maximum rate increase, not to exceed three percent in the aggregate, for fiscal year 2025. Ms. Gillis seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Approval of Summer Session Budget Motion 24-05: Mr. Nellams moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves the Summer Session 2024 rate increase of three percent for all student categories. Mr. Hensler seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Approval of Mandatory Fee Increases: Summer Recreation Fee & Orientation Fee • Providing consistent reporting, meetings, and accountability BOT Discussion of CWU & Community Economic Development Motion 24-06: Mr. Nellams moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves the Summer Recreation Center Fee increase of $15 for the 9-week session

9 Board of Trustees Minutes February 15-16, 2024

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