CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024


CWU Trustees

Dania Cochran Kim Dawson DATE: March 20, 2024

Dear Board of Trustees,

We are pleased to notify you regarding the conclusion of our Financial Statement audit for University-Wide and System of Central Washington University for fiscal year 2023.

An exit conference was held on March 20, 2024 to discuss the results of our audit. The attached items were discussed in detail with those in attendance, which included board member Gladys Gillis, board member Ray Conner, Joel Klucking CFO and various staff members of the University. We also took the opportunity to extend our appreciation to your staff for their cooperation and assistance during the course of the audit. We are always available to discuss the results of our audit in further detail at your convenience. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Neyda Flores Assistant State Auditor, Office of the Washington State Auditor (509) 517-5621 | Find helpful tools for local governments: Resource Library.

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