CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024

Central Washington University Board of Trustees May 17, 2024 ACTION – Distinguished Faculty Awards

Since 1977, CWU has honored excellence in faculty teaching, service, and research or creative expression. The recognition, the highest honor for faculty at CWU, is embedded in the Faculty Code (Section III), which establishes awards for Distinguished Faculty and for Non-Tenure Track Faculty. Distinguished Faculty Awards are reserved for individuals who have, at a minimum, served for six years and have worked at least 135 WLU. The awardees are nominated by the Faculty Senate, which may choose not to make an award in any given category. Nominations are authorized by the Board of Trustees. Recipients of the annual Distinguished Faculty Awards in teaching, scholarship, and service receive a one-time $2,500 stipend.  Distinguished Teaching Awards are given for teaching excellence, as demonstrated by breadth and depth of knowledge; clarity in methodology and organization of materials, and effective methods of presentation; continued scholarship and integration of scholarship into course work; assistance to students in understanding the value and relevance of the subject matter and course materials, both within the discipline and in a broader context. Following are this year’s nominees. Susan Rivera, Distinguished Non-Tenure Track Faculty for Teaching, Department of Information Technology and Management. Dr. Susan B. Rivera is a Senior Lecturer in the Information Technology and Management department. Dr. Rivera joined the department in 2014 and has since then demonstrated her deep commitment to Central Washington University, the ITM department, and, most importantly, to the students under her direction and guidance. She has taught thirteen courses in the ITM department, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. As a Lecturer she was given high levels of responsibility within the department, leading to the creation and development of new courses, and the improvement of existing ones. She taught and mentored over 80 students during this time and her quarterly evaluations (SEOIs) provided ample evidence that the technologically innovative, dynamic, and inclusive learning environment, which formed the basis of her teaching approach, was very much appreciated by her students. Although space and time do not allow for a complete list of her many accomplishments since she began teaching at CWU, the following will provide an illustration of her achievements as a CWU instructor. In 2019 Dr. Rivera attained the rank of Senior Lecturer and since then has continued her work in support of her students and the department. She applied and received the PI –VentureWell E-Team Phase I grant ($5K for students only) and is currently applying for Phase II ($20K for students only) funding. This "Ecophone" endeavor was a collaborative effort with students from ITAM, ETSC, and the College of Business all contributing to its success. Appointed by the Provost, she led the newly formed Sustainable Living Learning Community (SLLC) (AY 2022-2023), successfully proposed, and promulgated, the NOVEL Sustainability IT minor, as well as a new course, Applied Sustainable IT, which was first offered in Winter

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