CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024

Dr. Liang’s activities demonstrate his deep dedication to serving the needs of the CWU and Ellensburg communities, his own field of Education and the larger, essential goals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. CWU is proud to name him Distinguished Professor in Service for academic year 2023/2024.  The Distinguished Faculty of Scholarship/Artistic Accomplishment Award recognizes scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry, conducted to advance the state of knowledge of the discipline. Artistic accomplishment is defined as the composition, creation, production, or other significant and/or innovative contribution to an artistic event. Maya Zeller, Distinguished Faculty, Research/Artistic Accomplishment, Department of English Maya Jewell Zeller is an Associate Professor in the Department of English. Since arriving at CWU in 2016, Professor Zeller's artistic achievements include a Prize-winning poetry collection and authoring and co- authoring two textbooks (with another under contract). Professor Zeller has 20 publications in anthologies, three more forthcoming works, and 11 years of published works in journals. She is also frequently invited to readings across the region. Reviews of her works note that "whether through the magic of words or the evocative nature of the watercolors, (her work) is a kind of transmutation" and conclude that "Delightfully weird, her words carry a certain distinctness: sharp, wild, and unashamed, often taking on the vulnerability of the body, particularly that of the woman or the child." Professor Zeller also completed a book tour in 2023. Professor Zeller's artistic achievements blend into her scholarship, with work ranging from her poetry collection Out take/ glove box (winner of the New American Poetry Prize for 2022) to her anthology Evergreen: Grim Tales & Fables from the Pacific Northwest , to her co-authored textbook Advanced Poetry Writing: A Writer's Guide and Anthology. As evidenced by student support letters, Professor Zeller accomplishments as a poet help to guide her students towards academic and creative success. Her peer recommendations, from numerous significant poetry professionals from across the US, note her quirkiness and brilliance, including her innovation of adding PowerPoint presentations to her readings to show how she drew images from the poems to create "outtakes". Professor Zeller is a valuable and productive creative force at CWU, and this award celebrates her endless love of writing and poetry and the degree to which that poetry has inspired her students and been recognized by her field. We recommend the following motion: The Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves appointment of the 2024 Distinguished Faculty Recipients. Submitted: Approved for Submittal to the Board:

Dania Cochran Secretary to the Board

A. James Wohlpart President

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