CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024

Central Washington University Board of Trustees May 17, 2024 ACTION ITEM – 2024 Faculty Tenure, Promotion and Post Tenure Review

State law (RCW 28B.35.120) delineates the powers and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees to include employment of all employees, including tenure and promotion and post-tenure review of faculty. Each year the board is asked to approve the recommendations for tenure and promotion, which are the result of the comprehensive process. Trustees have requested that they be provided information to inform this approval. Through Faculty 180, trustees can review evaluations forwarded at each stage of tenure and promotion. Tenure guarantees continuous appointment within a specific university department. Promotion is the movement from one academic rank to the next, typically from assistant professor to associate professor or from associate professor to full professor. Each process is based on departmental, college, and university criteria that include performance in teaching, scholarship, and service. There are five consecutive levels of review: the department personnel committee, the department chair, the college personnel committee, the college dean, and the provost, as outlined in Articles 9.2 and 24.7 of the CWU Collective Bargaining Agreement. Post-tenure review is the evaluation process for faculty who have already been granted tenure with CWU. A review is conducted in the fifth year following the granting of tenure for faculty, and every fifth year thereafter. As with tenure and/or promotion, each evaluation is based on a thorough review by the department personnel committee, department chair, college personnel committee, college dean, and the provost, in accordance with the criteria identified in the departmental, college, and university standards. This year, 26 faculty submitted professional records to be considered for tenure and/or promotion; 24 were recommended for tenure and/or promotion. Forty-eight (48) faculty members submitted professional records for post-tenure review during the regular review cycle. The faculty members recommended for tenure and/or promotion, as well as faculty who submitted for post-tenure review, are listed on Attachment A: Personnel Action Agenda.

We recommend the following motion:

The Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves faculty tenure, promotion and post tenure review as recommended by the Provost this day May 17, 2024 Submitted: Approved for Submittal to the Board:

Jim Wohlpart President

Patrick Pease Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

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