CWU Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 2024

The first few months is particularly important for a child’s growth, so getting help for someone with post-partum depression is key. The reality is many pregnant women still lack access to high quality, continuous care and the services and support they need through the entire process from pregnancy to postpartum stages. Policy changes in health care are needed to ensure that expecting families have what they need. During her upcoming sabbatical, Dr. Claridge will be collaborating with Tampere University in Finland on experiences of U.S. and Finnish first-time parents. This will include risk and protective factors that predict mental health and relationship outcomes, and subjective experiences of the transition to parenthood and perceptions of the role of formal and informal supports.

The morning session adjourned at 11:47 a.m.

Trustees had lunch with exempt and classified staff leaders in Sue Dining. No business was conducted.

Vice Chair Hensler reconvened the board work session at 1:15 p.m.

Strategic Plan Update Jason Jones, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, gave an update on the Strategic Plan. He reported that President Wohlpart has assembled a 12-person team from across the CWU community. This team is charged with developing accountability metrics and five-year goals that the board will consider in the future. To date, the team has focused on the first goal for student success: Ensure equitable access to higher education, enhance student engagement and success, and improve retention and graduation rates. The board will begin receiving an annual report that provides five years of actual data and five years of goals for each KPI metric. Strategic Planning will be the focus of this year’s July Planning Retreat. New Degree Program Proposals Kurt Kirstein, Interim Provost, explained that the addition of a Master of Applied Science Degree type is included in Friday’s action agenda. He added that the Master of Applied Science (MAS) degree is a graduate-level academic qualification that typically focuses on the application of scientific principles and theories to solve practical problems. The MAS degree is commonly associated with engineering and technology disciplines, but it can also be found in other fields such as applied sciences, health sciences, and environmental sciences. The MAS provides students with a graduate credential while focusing more time on practical, professional skill development. Given CWU’s status as a teaching institution that produces job ready candidates, the MAS degree would be a good option for many of our graduate programs that now require a thesis. Rather than writing a thesis, students in an MAS program will complete projects where they utilize the material that they have covered in their program to solve practical problems in their field. The expanded focus on the development of professional skills aligns with the institution’s focus on high impact practices (HIPs).

4 Board of Trustees Minutes February 15-16, 2024

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