NSLHD News 26 February 2024

Message from the Acting board chair

Mary Chiarella AM

Dear colleagues,

Under amendments made to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, directors and senior leaders have a positive duty that requires us to take reasonable and proportionate measures to prevent sex discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile environments, and victimisation in the workplace. At NSLHD, we’ve undertaken substantial measures to address workplace challenges and concerns raised in the People Matter Employee Survey. We are also reviewing existing measures and prioritising actions to strengthen controls and responses to harassment. It is critical that we create a workplace that is free from any form of inappropriate or unprofessional behaviours, including harassment, bullying, discrimination, and intimidation. Thank you for all the work that you are doing providing high-quality care to our patients and communities.

As we commence a new year, I extend a warm welcome to our nursing and midwifery graduates embarking on a wonderful career in healthcare. I wish you as fulfilling and rewarding an experience as my career in nursing and midwifery has been. There are 255 graduate nurses and midwives starting their career at our district, and these are some of the 3400 graduate nurses and midwives set to contribute to healthcare across metro and regional NSW public hospitals this year, providing a significant boost to health services. As a nurse for more than 40 years and a midwife for almost as many, it gives me great pleasure to see so many people wanting to take up a profession that brings me so much joy. Celebrating our recent achievements, I am delighted to announce the graduation of our first NSLHD Applied Safety and Quality Program cohort on January 30. It was a privilege to attend their ceremony, witnessing the culmination of their hard work and dedication. The ADEPT graduates completed a 12-month program and will be followed by a second group of healthcare professionals whom I know will make an equally important contribution in ensuring the patient and staff experiences in safety and quality are optimal. Chief Executive Anthony Schembri and I have just released a statement to all staff about preventing harassment in the workplace. Our district prioritises a positive work environment in line with our NSW Health Code of Conduct and CORE values— Collaboration, Openness, Respect, and Empowerment.

Mary Chiarella AM Acting Board Chair

Northern Sydney Local Health District



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