Breast Cancer Network Australia
Digital Transformation The fresh look and feel of our new website was one of our goals for
the 2023 Christmas Appeal. Our digital transformation was launched in late 2023, making it easier for people to connect and find what they need online, while cementing our position as the go-to network of support. A new-look Online Network, featuring improved navigation and faster access to topics and groups of interest, provides inclusive peer- to-peer support 24/7. It is a much- needed resource for people unable to access supportive care when they need it most. The new Information and Resources Hub and updated Service Finder has been designed to improve the way our free Helpline assists and refers people to the best resources for them.
I wanted to reach out to say congratulations on the digital refresh. I was diagnosed four weeks ago. Since that first moment both my GP and I have found BCNA resources to be very helpful, relevant, and trustworthy. Well done on putting your consumers in the centre of the picture. – Member comment received via the Helpline
QUICK FACTS: 13 regional and rural Information Forums
210,000 visits to the Online Network
of attendees reported increased empowerment to make informed decisions and 87% to engage with health professionals. 83 %
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