GWO CoHE Training Standard (Draft)V0

Pressure Fluid Safety module

Facilitate practice for the participants in identifying these hazards and deciding on relevant actions and/or mitigation measures to avoid these hazards of fluids under pressure.

The participants shall:

Engage in identifying the hazards of fluids under pressure in the examples and share understandings about mitigation measures to avoid the hazards of fluids under pressure.

The instructor shall:

Give constructive feedback to the participants´ practice (previous point) about the hazards of fluids under pressure and mitigation measures to avoid these hazards.


Learning objectives:

The participants can explain the hazards of trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system in a WTG environment (Knowledge, intermediate level). The participants can explain how to handle the hazards of, and mitigation measures, for trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system in a WTG environment (Knowledge, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Present examples to the participants of situations or scenarios in a WTG environment with hazards of trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system (e.g., pressured trapped behind valves or created by temperature changes). Facilitate practice for the participants to identifying the hazards of trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system in the situations or scenarios from a WTG environment. Ask the participants key questions about how to handle the hazards of and mitigation measures for trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system. Examples of mitigation measures:

Controlled release of pressure (Venting a pressure fluid system e.g. an accumulator).

Removing load from the system (removing the force acting on a cylinder e.g. locking a blade).

The participants shall:

Engage in identifying the hazards of trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system and share understandings about how to handle the hazards of and mitigation measures for trapped pressure and stored energy in a pressure system.

The instructor shall:

Global Wind Organisation

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