GWO CoHE Training Standard (Draft)V0

GWO CoHE Training Standard V0

High voltage requirements.

Emphasise to the participants that the GWO Electrical Safety Person Module will NOT qualify or enable the participants to be able to perform any HV work. HV work is out of scope of the GWO CoHE standard including the GWO Electrical Safety Person Module and require additional company specific HV trainings, experience and requirements. Show examples of what a Qualified Electrical Person can and cannot do (e.g. what can a Qualified Electrical Person do compared to an Ordinary Electrical Person in these situations? What are the reasons for these role boundaries?). Facilitate group discussions with the participants about the specifics of the Qualified Electrical Person role, requirements and responsibilities.

The participants shall:

Engage in the group discussions and share their understandings of the specifics of the Qualified Electrical Person role, requirements and responsibilities.

The instructor shall:

Give constructive feedback to the participants’ group discussion and understandings about the specifics of the Qualified Electrical Person role. Create an exercise with examples of different situations or branching scenarios in a WTG environment where the participants have to practise deciding what an electrical Qualified Person should do (e.g., giving guidance to an Ordinary Person or establishing an electrically safe working condition for others to work within. For more examples of the responsibilities of an Qualified Electrical Person, please refer to section 3.2 of the Electrical Safety Module in the standard).

The participants shall:

Practise deciding and share understandings about what an Electrical Qualified Person should do in the situations or branching scenarios from a WTG environment.

The instructor shall:

Give constructive feedback to the participants decisions about what a Qualified Electrical Qualified Person should do in the situation or branching scenarios and explain the reasons why the actions/answers were correct or incorrect and show the realistic consequences of a correct or incorrect action/answer to each situation to provide the participants with a sense of the real-world consequences. NOTE: Please emphasise that participants should always comply with company specific rules and procedures along with national and regional legislation. This means that the answers to what an Qualified Electrical Person should do in a given situation could change depending on regional/company/WTG model rules.

Global Wind Organisation

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