3rd Quarter Crime Report

2.5 Crimes Against Society (NIBRS - Group A)

Crimes Against Society offenses are a reflection of the department’s mitigation and resolution strategies. Each violation is counted as one offense. There was a 5.2 percent increase in Crimes Against Society in Third Quarter of 2018 with increases in prostitution, gambling, animal cruelty, and pornography offenses while decreases occurred in weapon law violations offenses.

Figure 8 – Third Quarter of 2018, Citywide NIBRS Group A, Crimes Against Society

Cumulative Comparison January - September

Number of Offenses

Type of Offense

July - September 2018

July - September 2017

% Change 2018 2017 % Change



67% 22 10 120.0%

720 Animal Cruelty



2% 3,217 2,926 9.9%

35A Drug/Narcotic Violations (excluding DUI)



75% 86 84 2.4%

39A - D Gambling Offenses



55% 22 72 -69.4%

370 Pornography/Obscene Material

40A - C Prostitution Offenses



140% 159 68 133.8%

520 Weapon Law Violations



-5% 538 550 -2.2%

Crimes Against Society Subtotal



5.2% 4,044 3,710 9.0%

The crime categories are listed above in alphabetical order for ease of reference rather than in order of their importance. For NIBRS offense definitions, go to www.fortworthpd.com/crime-information/

2.6 Other Offenses (NIBRS - Group B) Group “B” offenses are reported only when an individual is arrested. A Group “B” arrest report does not include incident data but uses only data elements that describe the arrestee and the circumstances of the arrest. In the Third Quarter of 2018, Group “B” offenses decreased 15.6 percent compared to the Third Quarter of 2017. Animal Cruelty (Offense Code 720) Beginning January 1, 2017, the Texas Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) added the offense of Animal Cruelty to the NIBRS as a Group A offense, Crime Against Society offense. Animal Cruelty is defined as to “Intentionally, knowing- ly, or recklessly taking an action that mistreats or kills any animal without just cause, such as torturing, tormenting, muti- lation, maiming, poisoning, or abandonment. Included are instances of duty to provide care, e.g., shelter, food, water, care if sick or injured; transporting or confining an animal in a manner likely to cause injury or death; causing an animal to fight with another; inflicting excessive or repeated unnecessary pain or suffering, e.g., uses objects to beat or torture an animal”. This definition does not include proper maintenance of animals for show or sport; use of animals for food, lawful hunting, fishing, or trapping. The FWPD’s Vice Unit was created in November 2018. The Vice Unit is devoted to detect, gather information, investi- gate and suppress criminal activities relating to vice operations. The section enforces vice related offenses occurring in bars, clubs, public events, sexually oriented businesses as well as street level prostitution utilizing established investiga- tive and enforcement techniques. The proactive investigations beginning in November 2018 are reflected in the increase of crimes against society offenses.

Figure 9 – Third Quarter of 2018, Citywide NIBRS Group B, Other Offenses

Cumulative Comparison January - September

Number of Offenses/Arrests

July - September 2018

July - September 2017

Type of Offense

% Change 2018 2017 % Change

90A Bad Checks



0.0% 2

6 -66.7%

11 91


-35.3% 36 38 -5.3% -15.7% 276 303 -8.9% -10.5% 883 917 -3.7% -4.9% 1,280 1,375 -6.9% -90.2% 208 825 -74.8% -30.0% 85 99 -14.1% -12.1% 835 918 -9.0% -6.0% 607 683 -11.1% -5.9% 3,528 3,987 -11.5% -15.6% 7,746 9,155 -15.4% -- 6 4 50.0%

90B Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations

108 304 488 295

90C Disorderly Conduct

272 464

90D Driving Under the Influence

90E Drunkenness

29 35

90F Family Offenses, Nonviolent

90G Liquor Law Violations




90H Peeping Tom



232 234

264 249

90J Trespass of Real Property

90Z All Other Offenses

1,250 2,623

1,329 3,106


The crime categories are listed above in alphabetical order for ease of reference rather than in order of their importance. For NIBRS offense definitions, go to www.fortworthpd.com/crime-information/

Section II - NIBRS


Third Quarter (July - Sept.) 2018 Crime Report

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