Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Commercial Office Spotlight — February 27 - March 12, 2015 — Section C
M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal ’ s A nnual C ommercial O ffice Spotlight
Ann Bailey NAI Emory Hill
Bryan Cole, SIOR NAI Keystone
John L. Crampsie NAI Summit
Colin Flynn The Flynn Co.
Andrew Georgelakos, SIOR NAI KLNB
James Hanson II The Hampshire Cos.
William C. Hanson, SIOR NAI James E. Hanson
Julie Kronfeld NAI Mertz
David Ricci The Flynn Co.
Maria T. Sicola Cushman & Wakefield
Neil Stein Kaplin Stewart
Rebecca Ting NAI Mertz
INSIDE H arvey , H anna & A ssociates , I nc ................................. 2C N eil A ndrew S tein , E squire , K aplin S tewart ................ 3C NAI G lobal S potlight .............................................. 7-15C B ryan C ole , SIOR, NAI K eystone ................................ 8C J ohn L. C rampsie , SIOR NAI S ummit .......................................9C NAI KLNB........................................................................10-11C NAI H anson ..........................................................................12C NAI E mory H ill .....................................................................13C NAI M ertz .............................................................................14C T he H ampshire C ompanies T he H ampshire C ompanies .............15C 2014 C ommercial O ffice S ales and L eases ............... 18-20C
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