Grade 80 Lifting Chain & Fittings WINCHLINE ROPE (UHMwPE)
Donaghys Winchline is made from high strength UHMwPE (Ultra High Molecular weight Polyethylene) fibres which have a very low elongation of 4% at break, and a tenacity of up to 15 times that of steel rope. Donaghys Winchline is eight times lighter and 70% stronger than steel wire rope. Coated with Donaghys Armorcoat, this winchline rope braid has high abrasion resistance and can be customised with covers and fittings to suit specific applications.
// Winchline Rope (UHMwPE)
It’s very light density allows the rope to float and it is very easy to handle in comparison to wire alternatives.
// Mongoose Heavy Duty Recovery Strops
// Mooring Rope
Range available: 1mm to 96mm. Sold by the metre.
// General Purpose Fibre Ropes
Features • 8 x Lighter and 70% stronger than steel wire rope
Silver PE and Mono Rope
Nylon Rope
• Low stretch
Polyester Rope
• Unique pink colour for safety
• High UV resistance
Sisal Rope
• Floats and does not absorb water
Manila Rope
• High internal and external abrasion resistance
// Synthetic Fibre Ropes
• Virtually no recoil in the unlikely event of failure
Superfilm Rope
• Non rotational
Aquatec Rope
• Coated with Donaghys Armorcoat to reduce friction and abrasion • High performance abrasion/heat resistant jackets available on request.
As a steel wire replacement Donaghys winchline is lighter, safer and stronger - for mining applications, industries and marine.
Applications • Vehicle rescue line or winch line
• Logging applications
• Towing line
• Pulling/stringing lines.
Stretch vs Break Load
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CALL 1300 977 577 | bunzlsafety.com.au | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | 3
Winchline to Wire Rope Comparison
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Max. Length app. Metres
Winchline Break Force (Tonnes)
Winchline Weight / 100m kgs
6x36 IWRC Wire Rope Grade: 1960 Break Force (tonnes)
6x36 IWRC Wire Rope Weight / 100m kgs
Lightweight and Flexible
The Mongoose Heavy Duty Tow Strop is a 12 strand UHMwPE (Ultra High Molecular weight Polyethylene) tow rope designed for industrial, light vehicle and 4x4 vehicle recovery. The strop has an ultra high strength to weight ratio and is lightweight and flexible to reduce injuries and assist on-site handling on your work site. All Mongoose Strops come fitted with a heavily protected 200mm soft eye splice in each end and feature a tight heavy duty HT Polyester cover.
1025 3050 2250 1720 1360 1100
4.0 7.8
33.2 58.8 80.2
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 32 36 44
17.5 21.2 26.0 33.0 38.8 47.0 55.0 64.5 84.6
17.5 21.2 26.0 33.0 38.8 47.0 55.0 64.5 84.6
10.3 14.0 18.3 23.0 28.4 34.5 41.0 48.1 72.9 92.2
10.5 12.0 17.0 20.0 25.0 29.0 34.0 52.0 60.0 81.0
104.0 132.0 163.0 197.0 235.0 276.0 418.0 531.0 793.0
Heavy Duty HT Polyester Body & Eyes
904 760 650
Range available Strops are available by BreakForce (tonnes). • 30 to 350 tonne strops supplied with fully machine braided cover to body and eyes • 400 to 500 tonne stops supplied with HD Fire Hose cover to body and eyes.
106.0 157.0
939 629
106.0 157.0
Note: Other sizes available on request.
Rope properties; static bending
Mongoose Recovery Strops
Product Code Finished Diameter (mm)
Break Load (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight of completed strop (kg)
Features • Ultra high strength to weight ratio • Lightweight and flexible to reduce risk of back injuries • Low elongation • Coloured pink for safety & easy identification as towing strop • Minimal re-coil and kinetic energy at break • Traceability (durable I/D tags) • Reduced hand injuries (no fish hooking) • Heavy duty tight HT Polyester cover • Highly resistant to wear and flex fatigue • 200mm soft eye splice in each end • Strops to 500 Tonne • Certified to Tonnage rating • Marine grade round thimble available • Colour coding by application, available on request. Applications • Light and heavy vehicle recovery • 4 x 4 vehicle recovery.
BRY30T06 BRY30T10 BRY30T15 BRY30T20 BRY50T01 BRY50T03 BRY50T06 BRY50T10 BRY50T15 BRY50T20 BRY70T01 BRY70T03 BRY70T06 BRY70T10 BRY70T15 BRY70T20 BRY100T6 BRY100T10 BRY100T15 BRY100T20 BRY150T10 BRY150T20 BRY200T15 BRY300T15
32 32 32 32 38 38 38 38 38 38 44 44 44 44 44 44 48 48 48 48 65 65 75 82
30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 70
4.5 7.0
10 15 20
10.5 14.0
1 3 6
2.0 4.0 6.5
10 15 20
10.0 15.0 20.5
1 3 6
2.5 4.5 7.5
10 15 20 10 15 20 10 20 15 15 6
13.0 17.0 28.0 12.0 15.5 29.5 34.0 24.0 47.0 45.5 65.0
100 100 100 100 150 150 200 300
Rope properties; tension fatigue
Bending fatigue
12000 10000
8000 6000 4000 2000
Note: Other sizes and lengths made to order.
Stretch vs Break Load
6,5 100 2,5 1,5
UHMwPE Aramid Steel
at 50% Minimum Breaking Load = Safe Working load
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CALL 1300 977 577 | bunzlsafety.com.au | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | 5
MOORING ROPE Donaghys Tiger and Aquatec mooring lines are made from a blend of compatible Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP) fibres, specially processed to combine the key features of each individual fibre to produce a multi-plait shipping rope with great strength and abrasion characteristics.
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)
Features • 1.8m covered eye splice in each end
• Good abrasion resistance • High strength to weight ratio • Shock load resistant • UV resistant with excellent weathering properties. (Aquatec lasts longer in direct UV due to colours being less heat sensitive) • Excellent splicing • Not affected by water • Floats on water • Kink resistant • Lloyds certification. Applications
Aquatec/Tiger Rope is an 8 strand composite PP/PE rope.
Rope properties; bending fatigue
Rope properties; static bending
• Mooring • Fishing
Aquatec/Tiger Rope is an 8 strand composite PP/PE rope.
• Heavy industrial • Oil exploration • Slings • Towing • Docking & Anchoring • Fibre rope tails.
Aquatec Rope
Rope properties; tension fatigue
Bending fatigue
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
12000 10000
40 48 56 64 72 80
28.0 39.5 52.0 67.5 84.5
220 220 220 220 220 220
Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil
104.0 142.0 185.0 234.0 295.0
8000 6000 4000 2000
Tiger Rope
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
6,5 100 2,5 1,5
UHMwPE Aramid Steel
24 32 40 48 56 64
220 220 220 220 220 220
25.9 45.9 72.0
Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil
16.8 28.0 39.5 52.0 67.5
at 50% Minimum Breaking Load = Safe Working load
104.0 142.0 185.0
Note: Other sizes available on request.
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CALL 1300 977 577 | bunzlsafety.com.au | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | 7
GENERAL PURPOSE FIBRE ROPES Silver PE and Mono Rope Silver Ropes are manufactured using a special Polyethylene (PE) extrusion process which gives the rope superior strength and a distinctive hairy appearance which enhances wear resistance and knotting performance. Silver rope is strong and versatile with excellent handling properties.
Nylon Rope
Donaghys Nylon Rope is manufactured from nylon fibre, the strongest of conventional man-made fibres. This rope has good strength, high extension and recovery, easy handling, coiling and knotting along with good abrasion resistance. Nylon rope is ideally suited to a wide range of general and industrial applications. 8 strand (Sqr Plait) constructions are mainly used in mooring applications due to their large size, high strength, and torsion resistant properties under load.
It is ideally suited to general and industrial applications, particularly in the marine industries where high resistance to abrasion and floating buoyancy are advantageous. Features • Tape based construction enhances strength, abrasion and handling properties • Monofilament based construction has been designed to meet Far North Queensland and Queensland markets as well as offering the same benefits as tape construction • Not affected by water • Resistant to fungi • Available in soft and medium lays for superior splicing efficiency. Applications • General, industrial and marine appications • Truck ropes • Slings • Industrial rigging • Tarpaulin ties • Foot ropes • Mooring lines • Truck nets. PE Silver Rope
3 Strand Range Available: 6mm to 32mm.
Features • Good strength and abrasion resistance
• Low water absorption
• Soft feel and easy handling
• Coils and knots well
• High extension and recovery.
Applications • Slings
• Forestry ropes
• Anchor ropes
• Safety lines
• Safety nets
• Car tow rope
• Mooring lines.
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
ROS0601Q* ROS0602* ROS0638 ROS0808* ROS0853* ROS1003 ROS1006* ROS1211* ROS1402* ROS1605* ROS1607* ROS1810* ROS2002* ROS2001* ROS2413* ROS2402* ROS2820* ROS3216* ROS32AE* ROS40AB ROS40AC
6 6 6 8 8
3.7 3.7 3.7 6.2 6.2 9.4 9.4
250 250 125 250 250 125 250 250 250 125 250 125 125 250 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
1.84 1.84 1.84 3.28 3.28 4.96 4.96 7.20 9.52
Coil Coil Reel Coil Coil Reel Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil
Nylon Rope
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
10 10 12 14 16 16 18 20 20 24 24 28 32 32 40 40
ROS0689 ROS0612 ROS08AA ROS10AA ROS1026 ROS1236 ROS1235 ROS14AA ROS16AD
6 6 8
7.5 7.5
100 250 100 100 250 100 250 100 100
2.3 2.3
Reel Reel Reel Reel Coil Reel Coil Reel Reel
12.6 14.4 21.2 21.2 25.9 31.6 31.6 43.9 43.9 59.4 77.7 77.7
12.80 12.80 16.12 20.00 20.00 29.52 29.52 39.32 52.56 52.56 78.50 78.50
13.4 20.8 20.8 30.0 30.0 41.0 53.0
10 10 12 12 14 16
6.2 6.2 8.9 8.9
12.2 15.8
121.4 121.4
Note: Other sizes and lengths available on request.
*Note: Mono Silver Rope stocked in QLD only, add ‘Q’ to end of standard codes to identify this product. *Mono Silver Rope does not have flecks, solid white, all sizes = medium lay except QSML = 6mm soft/med lay.
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CALL 1300 977 577 | bunzlsafety.com.au | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | 9
Sisal Rope
Polyester Rope
Donaghys Sisal Rope is a tough, versatile, natural rope used in mining, trucking and general industrial applications. Features • Natural and biodegradable
Donaghys Polyester Rope is manufactured from polyester fibre, the second strongest of conventional man-made fibres behind nylon. This rope has good strength, extension, easy handling, coiling and knotting along with excellent abrasion resistance. Polyester Rope is ideally suited to a wide range of general and industrial applications, including safety lines in the Height Safety sector.
• Tough and abrasion resistant
• Easily spliced
• Economical
Features • 3 strand ropes
• Non-conductive
• Versatile
• Soft feel and easy handling, coiling and knotting
• Excellent for knotting.
• Low stretch and excellent abrasion resistance
Applications • Mining
• No strength loss when wet
• Stretches up to 46% before breaking
• General industrial
• Excellent shock absorption
• Trucking
• Blue internal marker.
• Rope handles
Applications • General purpose & Industrial
• Barrier ropes
• Halters and nets
• Theatrical rigging
• Capstan ropes
• Mooring/Docking line
• Driver ropes
• Mast stays
• Slings.
• Slings
• Bolt ropes
• Flat halyards
• Lifelines & Safety lines
• Hoist ropes
• Lifting and tying
Sisal Rope
• Restraints & Lashings.
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
Polyester Rope - Black Med Lay
RON0604 RON0801 RON1001 RON1203 RON1401 RON1601 RON1801* RON2001 RON2401
6 8
2.6 4.8 6.3 9.5
250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
2.9 5.5 6.9
Reel Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
10 12 14 16 18 20 24
10.6 14.2 19.3 22.3 27.9 40.8
ROS1085 ROS0612 ROS1485 ROS1685 ROS1885 ROS2085
10 12 14 16 18 20
16 23 32 41 51 63
200 200 100 100 100 100
Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel
12.8 18.0 21.4 28.4 40.6
14.8 19.5 24.5 30.3
Note: Larger sizes available on request. *Denotes Soft Lay.
Note: Soft lay, white and navy options available on request.
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CALL 1300 977 577 | bunzlsafety.com.au | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | 11
Manila Rope
Manila is the strongest of the natural fibres and results in hard wearing, low stretch, general purpose ropes which are superior to sisal in their resistance to weathering, fungal attack and moisture.
Superfilm Rope Superfilm ropes are manufactured from extruded polypropylene Film resulting in strong, highly abrasion resistant ropes. Features • Useful for a multitude of applications • Resistant to oils, petrols, common solvents, bacteria and fungi
Features • Stronger and softer feel than sisal • Natural and biodegradable • 3 strand rope • Non conductive • Good abrasion resistance • Low stretch • Weather resistant
Applications • Marine
• Tough and abrasion resistant
• High strength to weight ratio
• Construction
• Excellent handling and splicing properties
• Mining
• Trucking
• Fishing
• Commercial.
• Unaffected by water
• Petroleum and general industrial
• UV stabilised with excellent weathering properties.
• Resistant to fungal attack and moisture.
Applications • Marine
Product Code Superfilm Rope
Breaking Force (kN)
ROS04AE PP Film 4mm x 300m Blue
2.1 5.9 5.9
Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Coil
• Shipping
PRP0602 ROS0605 PRP0800 PRP1000 ROS1206
Superfilm 6mm x 250m Yellow
Superfilm 6mm x 300m Nickel Green Metal Reel
• Lifting
Superfilm 8mm x 125m Yellow Superfilm 10mm x 125m Yellow
10.4 15.3 21.7
• Capstan ropes
Superfilm 12mm x 250m Yellow Soft Lay
• Driving ropes
• Slings
• Rope ladders
• Cargo nets
• Safety nets
• Block fall ropes.
Manila Rope
Product Code Diameter (mm)
Break Force (Tonnes)
Length (metres)
Weight /100m kgs
RON0600 RON0800 RON1000 RON1201 RON1400 RON1600 RON1800 RON2000 RON2400
6 8
2.6 4.8 6.3 9.5
250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
2.9 5.5 6.9
Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil
10 12 14 16 18 20 24
10.6 14.2 19.3 22.3 27.9 40.8
12.8 18.0 21.4 28.4 40.6
Note: Larger sizes available on request.
12 | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | bunzlsafety.com.au | CALL 1300 977 577
CALL 1300 977 577 | bunzlsafety.com.au | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | 13
Aquatec Rope
Features • Abrasion resistant
Applications • Marine fishing and farm use
Manufactured from a polypropylene/polyethylene
crushed mono yarn blend then 3 stranded with the optimal lay for higher strength, excellent abrasion resistance and splicing.
• High strength to weight ratio
• Ladder and foot ropes
• Shock load resistant
• Heavy industrial
• Excellent knotting and splicing properties • Not affected by water and weatherproof.
• Car tow ropes
• Truck ropes
• Slings.
Product Code Aquatec PP/PE Crushed Mono Rope
Breaking Force (kN)
ROS0635 ROS0819 ROS1054 ROS1261 ROS1634 ROS2015 ROS2414 ROS2814 ROS3205 ROS4001
Aquatec 6mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 8mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 10mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 12mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 16mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 20mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 24mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec28mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 32mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK Aquatec 40mm x 250m Green, GLD FLK
Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil
11.8 17.7 26.5 44.1 67.7 97.1
129.5 164.8 252.1
14 | EMAIL info@bunzlsafety.com.au | bunzlsafety.com.au | CALL 1300 977 577
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