
TOP: Akiyama Kii no kami in Fabric by Davi (Fabric, Canvas) BOTTOM LEFT: Toadally in my Element by Samantha Waddell (Clay, Acrylic Paint) BOTTOM RIGHT: Baby Yoda by Eden Hany (Linocut on Mulberry Paper)

The LRC Art Gallery is proud to present some featured artwork from their most recent installation, REALMS OF DUALITY. The Gallery has since closed as they prepare for the upcoming Juried Student Art Show, but that doesn’t make this art any less sensational to look at! Follow the Indianapolis Campus Gallery Instagram account @IndyIvyCreates for the latest updates on shows, receptions and happenings.

Student Success

Professor Brianna Pike took her English 111-3HH class to the Virginia Fairbanks Art & Nature Park as part of their public art- themed service learning class.

ABOVE: Students pose in front of public art installations

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