
of the 2023 Women Channel


Paige Powers Sr. Director, Americas Distribution Sales Juniper Networks

Anh Profiti VP, North America Channels Infor Profiti brought a fresh per- spective and cloud-first strategy to Infor, which she says is a company that challenges the status quo and inspires creative problem-solving. She encourages knowledge sharing and transparent feedback among peers, partners and her team.

Rosemary Pron AVP, Sales, Education, Government CDI

Amy Protexter SVP, Marketing Insight Enterprises

Anika Registe Director, Channels, EMEA Axonius During her second year at Axonius, Registe focused on growth. She brought on three new team mem- bers to the EMEA channel team and ended 2022 with 44 new partners, 91 in total. She also focused on developing relationships with existing partners across 18 countries. Michelle Ragusa McBain VP, North America Channels SonicWall New to SonicWall, Ragusa McBain’s mission is to help partners elevate and succeed. SonicWall has a long-standing partner commitment, and she looks forward to leaning into MSPs and providing massive amounts of threat intelligence and expertise to drive mutual success. Kelly Puffer Director, North American Channels West, Canada WSO2 Puffer is relatively new to WSO2 but is ready to work with the sales team and partner community. She is enthusiastic about build- ing out the WSO2 Partner Program and working with systems integrators and resellers to create user groups that are resource- ful, relevant and fun.

Protexter’s team builds brand and generates demand for Insight. These 150 marketers educate businesses about Insight’s role as a leading solutions integrator and have passed 20,500 marketing-qualified leads to sales to drive top- line revenue and expand gross profit.

Powers is responsible for building transforma- tional partnerships with distributors and channel partners in the Americas. She is also now rede- signing the distribution program to ensure profit- able contribution through value-added distributors.

CDI has grown dramat- ically over the past four years, and with that came the opportunity to ver- ticalize, including in the SLED market. Pron quickly acquired net-new con- tracts and enabled selling through public-focused distribution and contracts.


Karen Pugliese Global VP, Partners CommScope

Deborah Purfurst VP, North America Channel Sales Xerox Purfurst runs Xerox’s channel sales and distri- bution business and is the sole person who manages these relationships, work- ing with her team to grow the business. 2022 was a record year for the chan- nel sales business.

Nicole Qaqundah Sr. Director, Worldwide Consumer Channel Leader Qualcomm Qaqundah relaunched the Gateway brand exclu- sively at Walmart to help differentiate the offering from the rest of retail. She worked with ODMs and design houses in China to build products based on the specific needs of the Walmart customer.

Bana Qashu Young Regional VP, Sales, East Avant Qashu Young’s ultimate goal for the year is to secure the No. 1 region within Avant and to increase revenue while achieving over 100 per- cent to quota. While accomplishing revenue goals, it is also key to maintain a healthy culture, so she established a men- torship committee in 2022.

Pugliese focused on the continued development of programs to support ecosystem partners through a combination of further refinement of existing partner programs and the development of new programs to address specific market trends.


Kristen Rank Director, Strategic Partnerships

Sarita Rao SVP, Integrated, Partner Solutions AT&T Rao has led the effort to double down on AT&T’s indirect channel strategy by restructuring all indi- rect sales motions under one vice president team, allowing for additional momentum to grow and scale across mass mar- kets, midmarkets and enterprise segments.

Nathalie Reagins Director, Channel Technical Sales Vertiv Reagins ran a national technology refresh out- reach campaign on several end-of-sales product lines, generating leads for partners. This resulted in strengthen- ing Vertiv’s collaboration and value to the channel community.

Samantha Reese Head of Americas Field, Channel Marketing Illumio Under Reese’s direction, Illumio is becoming more proactive in its approach to partner programs. She is now looking at everything through a partner lens and working to incorporate a partner component into almost everything that the company does.

Rank was able to continue to enable all partners internally and externally to sell the cloud. She held several success- ful customer-facing and partner-facing events that allowed the Hunters mes- sage to continue to spread and help the brand.


JUNE 2023

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