Sanders - How to Get Rid of Guilt

36/ How to Get Rid of Guilt

blood? Why is that necessary? Why can't God just expunge or cleanse with water, or some other substance? Several years ago I was commissioned by the Lockman Foundation to read through the New Testament of the New American Standard Bible, which incidentally, I believe is one of the finest trans– lations of the Scriptures available today. The New Testament is now completed and is available on cassettes. It was a thrill– ing experience to read aloud the Bible. But again and again I've been reminded, especially in the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, of all the blood which had to be of– fered, with the animals slain. The reason for this is that this means of worship all pointed toward the one perfect sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ who came as the peerless, impeccable Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. Someone may still say, "But why is that necessary? Why all the blood?" Listen, the reason is that sin is so deeply im– bedded in the human race, in us personally, that it cannot be cured by anything less than the death of the innocent One. The old life has to die. God doesn't improve it. There's no way this can be done. The gospel song has it correctly, asking the melodic question, "What can wash away my sin? Nothing, absolutely nothing, but the blood of Jesus." You see, a right view of sin will always give us a right view of God. No snow is so white in the eyes of saints and angels as a soul who has been cleansed from sin in the sight of God. The Promise Of Joy And Gladness Now, the result of this cleansing is even more exciting to con– template. Just stop to realize for a few moments what the Lord has done for us. In verse eight, David anticipates, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "Make me hear joy and gladness; that the bones which Thou hast broken may re– joice." In essence he's declaring, "Say something to me, God. I can't hear you." You know, it may be that in your own life

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