Sanders - How to Get Rid of Guilt

42/How to Get Rid of Guilt

gressions and iniquities in which others have become in– volved. If you don't believe it, if it sounds like an exaggera– tion, just take a look at.the headlines in any gossip magazine. This is why the Bible warns us that we should rejoice not in the sins of others, but rather to rejoice in the truth of God. So, as we come asking for cleansing, we can have the confident realization that the guilt has been completely removed. God no longer looks upon sins now confessed and cleansed. David is praying, "Blot out all my iniquities." There's been a familiar commercial on television con– cerning a certain paper towel company. In 30 amazing seconds it's shown to be superior not only in soaking up all liquids, but also it goes on to scrub without the towel falling apart. I'm not here to vouch for the product, but listen, God's cleansing does far better than any product man may develop. His isn't just a paper towel cleansing, it's absolutely and amazingly a means of complete cleansing for our hearts and lives. No Need To Dwell On The Past If God can't see our sins, why should we? Why the mor– bid desire to keep dwelling on the past? These things have been confessed and cleansed! We need to realize that it's simply an insult to God to claim that He can't do anything about our sins. That's in essence what we're saying when we keep bringing up the past. I've so often talked to people who have asked God for cleansing but they still bear the terribly oppressive feelings of guilt. They might say something like, "Yes, but you have no idea of the things that I've gotten involved in." Generally it's something that has an immoral, sexual or monetary background. Look at the third word from the last in this ninth verse of Psalm 51, the word "all." Let me ask you, is there any sin God can't cover? Remember, He's both willing and able! The question is, are we ready to bring our sins to Him?

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