45/Psalm 51
thoughtfully wrote back, perhaps not fully realizing what she was suggesting, and pointed out, "Why, to get the sparkle back in your eye, you'd have to be born again, going back and starting life all over again." Well, she was right, although she may not have realized the spiritual truth in her statement. We need to have God create, to go back and make out of nothing once again, that clean heart. You can be sure, He's not going to make over an old one. Asking For That "Right Spirit" In Our Hearts Modern science is very adept at implanting heart pacemakers, by-pass valves and even transplanting hearts. We're thankful for these advancements and achievements, but no development is nearly as good as the original heart with which we were born. So, the picture is that sin has destroyed this perfect relationship with God. We've got to call on the Creator, who originally made things out of nothing, that He might once again put that right spirit within our hearts. Do you have a right spirit? That simply means, are you able to evaluate things for what they really are? In the original Hebrew, the word for "right" here means that which is erect, that which is made to stand up. We all realize that there are certain things today which aren't correct or upright. They aren't straight! The lines are crooked and the involve– ment of people who have steadfastly proclaimed things to be correct has actually been shown to be erroneous, and many times grossly so. This is why we need to have this renewal, and it's the renewal God has graciously promised to us. Sometimes there's no way to make restitution. David's sin, you remember, caused him literally to put Uriah to death. It was murder! After the deed was done, there was no way David could make restitution to Bathsheba's husband. He was dead. You just can't unscramble a scrambled egg! So here, he has to ask for the c,reation of what was not there at
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