Sanders - How to Get Rid of Guilt

50/ How to Get Rid of Guilt

God will never take away His Holy Spirit from you. Doubtless you have the realization of salvation and are eter– nally secure in that confident understanding. But, still, joy can be missing in your life. When you get right down to it, joy is the one commodity Christians uniquely possess and should show to the outside world. It's one dimension that the world is lacking. Joy Will Not Come Before Forgiveness Make no mistake; you can never have joy without first of all having forgiveness. The one absolutely cannot precede the other. There's no other order to be experienced what– soever. It's forgiveness first. So, if you need joy in your life, follow the pattern God, through His Holy Spirit gave to David. This came as a result of his great sins of murder and adultery. If he could be forgiven of those, so can you find cleansing and release from your guilt and shame. Now we see here the joy of Thy salvation. It's not my salvation, my church's, my mother's or my wife's salvation, but it's God's salvation and His alone that can bring joy and satisfaction. There are so many things on every hand that can depress us. Just look about anywhere in the world and see the multitude of perplexing problems facing every aspect and avenue of our existence.The thing in mind, however, is does the knowledge of salvation excite you and bring you true and lasting contentment? It can if you look to the Lord for the blessed truth. How can God restore that which He didn't take away? Oh, He does it by His Spirit in love and faithfulness. And the only way to have comforting evidence that we are His children is by doing that which we know to be pleasing to Him. This is why David prayed, "And uphold me with a will– ing spirit." Now, that we need to be upheld shows a definite weakness. Even the strongest of us experiences times of being overwhelmed. Let's not be so quick to condemn David for

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