56/How to Get Rid of Guilt
536,870,912 people would be reached for Christ." Can you imagine it? That's more than half a billion! And keep in mind, that's if just one person did it to one other person and the force was multiplied in that way as souls were won to Christ. Think what would happen if 10 of us did it, or 50, or even 100. This is disicpleship not by addition, but by multiplication. That's the only way the job can get done. The greatest danger facing us today is that because of sin, men turn away from Christ. Nathan had to tell David, you remember, as recorded in II Samuel 12:14, "By this deed (the evil deed of taking Bathsheba and having Uriah killed) you have given occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme His name." The greatest detraction of the gospel actually comes from Christians who live sub-normal spiritual lives. Are we really willing to teach God's truth to those who need to know the way of righteousness? God Must Exact Judgment For Sin Verse 14 pleads, "Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, 0 God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of Thy righteousness." Now the allusion here is to the guilt of sin. It clearly shows the necessity of shedding blood or taking innocent life to atone for iniquity. In Genesis 9:5, 6 the law of capital punishment is firmly established. I'm surprised how many people say that capital punishment is contrary to God's law. It's not whatsoever. It predates the Ten Commandments and has never been set aside by the Lord. I think we've taken too light a view of sin. Consequently there may be a conscious or subconscious desire to overlook the penalty. Maybe we're like the unknowing old dowager who said she beleived in capital punishment, just as long as it wasn't too severe. Listen and mark it down well, God must exact judgment for sin. Years ago, Albert Barnes wrote these words "We cannot . ' mdeed by penitence recall those whom we have murdered. We cannot restore purity to those whom we have seduced.
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