6/ How to Get Rid of Guilt
physician's office. Smith is the doctor. Dale comes in for a diagnosis of his illness. As Smith does all of ,the routine checking, he is obviously mystified as to the basic sickness. Finally, pondering over the problem, he asks Dale, "Have you had this illness before?" Dale, obviously in pain, responds immediately with a groan, "Oh, yes, Doctor, I've had it many times!" Unable to make a proper diagnosis, Smith simply enjoins, "Well, sir, I'm sorry to have to tell you, you have it once again." The routine serves as an illustration of a sickness we all have over and over again. Man is con– stantly beseiged and beset with the greatest of all diseases: sin. As a matter of fact, ever since the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, we've been plagued with the same difficulty. Sin has blighted the human race. Unfortunately, in these days, some people gloss over iniquity rather lightly, calling it simply a mistake, or perhaps not even willing to recognize transgression as an immoral impurity- falling short of .the Almighty's standards! The fact remains that sin is basically a slap in the face of God. There is nothing, absolutely nothing pretty or clever about it whatsoever. The other day we were discussing the subject of our sins with a friend. This individual was concerned because she thought as a believer, when we stand before the Lord's judg– ment seat, our sins will be revealed not only to us, but also to everyone else as well. We assured her, based on our understanding of Scripture, that she needn't worry because the revelation would simply be for our own benefit and any selfish works would be consumed. She responded by saying, "Oh, that wasn't what bothered me. I just wanted to make certain that at the time of Christ's judgment of believers, when everyone's sins are made known, I'd be standing near someone who had a really interesting past." Well, she was be– ing facetious, yet, somehow things that intrigue people most today are those items of gossip, even what is base, immoral and impure, which is sinful in the sight of God.
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