Perelman School of Medicine 2022


IMPaCT Integrating Medicine





BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE (1st semester) Genetics

INTEGRATIVE SYSTEMS AND DISEASE (2nd and 3rd semesters) Mechanisms of Disease & Therapeutic Intervention (MDTI) Brain & Behavior

Cardiology Dermatology Nephrology Pulmonology Infectious Disease

Biochemistry Embryology

Cell & Tissue Biology Anatomy & Imaging

Reproduction Endocrinology Gastroenterology & Nutrition

Immunology Microbiology Cancer Biology Epidemiology

CLINICAL MEDICINE, PROFESSIONALISM AND HUMANISM (1st, 2nd, 3rd semesters) Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) Doctoring 1 LEAPP Ultrasound Diagnostics Health Systems Sciences

CORE 1 PRINCIPLES -  Basic science and clinical medicine curricula emphasize foundational, integrative concepts -  Clinical anatomy directly links with radiologic imaging, ultrasound techniques and physical exam findings -  Small group sessions use learning teams for optimal student and faculty engagement -  Clinical sessions highlight development of skills essential for patient care:

• Taking histories and performing physical exams • Establishing relationships with patients across all cultures and genders • Developing skills in differential diagnosis

• Exploring health systems sciences • Learning experiences occur in hospitals, outpatient practices, and community sites, and include seminars, workshops, case discussions, and standardized patients

INTEGRATIVE SYSTEMS AND DISEASE -  Curriculum is designed in blocks to integrate basic science and clinical medicine concepts related to an organ system. The structure incorporates: -  Three afternoons are unscheduled, allowing time and flexibility for any activity of interest, such as working at one of the school’s community clinics, attending classes outside of medicine, pursuing independent research, playing sports, continuing hobbies, or relaxing -  Students longitudinally follow patients through the LEAPP program to learn the effects of disease on family and quality-of-life -  Ultrasound: 3-semester curriculum learning the technique for acquiring, reading, and applying ultrasound images for patient care -  Additional electives in Humanism, Arts and Medicine, Narrative Medicine, Medical Mandarin and Spanish, Leadership, Advocacy, Equity, and more

• Normal development • Normal structure and function • Pathophysiology • Therapeutics and disease management • Epidemiology and evidence-based medicine

• Disease prevention • Imaging, Lab Medicine, Diagnostics • Differential Diagnosis • Patient Panels, Career Panels

Pre-clerkship week: The final week of the pre-clerkship curriculum in December prepares students for the clerkship experience with a guided reinforcement -  Pass/Fail Grading

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