WisePT: Living Life Without Back Pain

Understanding The Why & How

There are a lot of different reasons that back pain can develop. Even when you break down injuries, whether from overuse or athletic pursuits, there are different problems that can develop. Sprains and strains are common, but so are issues with the vertebrae, blood flow, and even concerns regarding the spinal nerves. You might be amazed to discover the different factors that could be influencing your back health. Such as: • Your personal level of physical activity, including how often you exercise and the intensity of your typical workouts. • The types of shoes that you wear, in addition to how frequently you walk in different types of shoes, particularly shoes that lack support or those with high heels. • Prolonged engagement in sedentary behavior, including sitting at a desk for eight hours or more consecutive days of the week, or spending free time on the couch or otherwise relaxed. Aerobic activity and strength training exercises actually make it possible to reduce your risk of injury and to improve your ability to overcome back pain by strengthening the vertebrae and improving blood flow and nutrient disbursement throughout the back. When you are inactive, blood flow can actually become impeded, and this can have a negative effect on the overall health of your back and spine.

How Physical Therapy Helps. Anyone who has struggled with back pain can tell you plain and simple: When your back is hurting, there is no way to pretend that it isn’t. Simply going from sedentary activity to being active and healthy isn’t an option — at least not so easily. It takes time and effort, and when back pain is obstructing you from getting started, it requires help. Physical therapy can help you overcome back pain by giving you the knowledge and support necessary to help your back feel better, giving you the option to get off the couch and push yourself to reach new goals. Working with a licensed and experienced physical therapist ensures that you do not take on too much too quickly, but instead are guided through the process of healing with gradual steps. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us.

Call us today to schedule an appointment (907) 562-2118.

I’m a simple gal. Nothing pleases me more than finding a way to prepare vegetables that is fast, delicious, eye pleasing, and doesn’t involve cleaning pans. This grilled vegetables recipe is tasty hot off the grill or cold straight from the fridge 3 days later. Any firm vegetables work: Slices of Zucchini, bell pepper, eggplant, red onion,potatoes…Asparagus,mushrooms,cauliflower (although theseworkbest inagrillbasket).Serves4-6. Balsamic Grilled Vegetables Recipe

• ⅓ cup chopped fresh parsley/basil (cilantro works well also) • 2 cloves garlic, minced

INGREDIENTS • 4 zucchinis, halved if small, sliced about ½-inch thick if summer jumbo sized • 2 red bell peppers, seeded & sliced • 1 red or white onion, sliced about ½-inch thick • Approximately 1 tbsp olive oil to coat the veggies

• 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar • sea salt & pepper to taste

INSTRUCTIONS Wash and prepare your vegetables, place in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil just to coat. Preheat your grill then turn tomedium low (seenote).Chop theparsley.UsingyourNutribulletor foodprocesser,blend together the garlic, olive oil, Balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix in the chopped parsley and set aside. Arrange the vegetables inasingle layeron thegrill.With the lidclosed,cook4-6minutes, thenflipandcookanadditional 6 minutes. They should be tender with pretty grill marks. Place the vegetables in a serving dish and coat with the Balsamic dressing to serve. Note: Grills come in different “strengths”. My old grill’s medium is my new grill’s low. You may need to adjust your temperature up or down, or your time longer or shorter depending on your particular grill. Like an old friend, we sometimes have to get to know them. Delicious!! - Marie Findmorehealthyrecipemakeoversatwww.OurNutritionKitchen.comContributedbyMarieCecchiniSternquist, MS CHHC who uses Functional Nutrition and Nutrition ResponseTesting to address inflammatory processes that prevent true healing.


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