2023 AMSS Abstract Book

Gulf of Alaska | Climate and Oceanography

Spatial scales of bio-optical properties highlight bio-physical coupling in Alaskan waters Presenter: Thomas Kelly , tbkelly@alaska.edu, University of Alaska Fairbanks Hisatomo Waga , hwaga@alaska.edu, University of Alaska Fairbanks Continuous underway measurements of biogeochemical properties provide high resolution and quasi-synoptic snapshots of the surface pelagic ecosystem. By investigating bio-optical properties we can link changes in physical properties to commensurate changes in phytoplankton communities and production. Here we present data collected from 6 field surveys in the Northern Gulf of Alaska and quantify spatio-temporal length scales associated with biological communities and the physical drivers underpinning them. We find strong evidence for tight coupling across length scales and resolve seasonal patterns in community responses to physical processes. Finally, we compare this continuous underway system to traditional discrete measurements.

Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2023 100

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