2023 AMSS Abstract Book

Gulf of Alaska | Humans

The Alaska Ocean Acidification Network - where we’ve been and the view ahead Presenter: Darcy Dugan , dugan@aoos.org, Alaska Ocean Observing System With Alaskans heavily reliant on the ocean for their lives and livelihoods, both direct and indirect effects of ocean acidification are expected to have implications on commercial fisheries, subsistence and lives and livelihoods of Alaskans. Researchers are working together to better understand the chemical and ecological systems at play so we can anticipate and respond to upcoming changes due to ocean acidification. In 2016, the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) initiated the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network to serve as an information clearinghouse and facilitate coordination within and beyond the research community. The primary mission of the network is to engage with researchers and stakeholders to expand the understanding of OA processes and consequences in Alaska, as well as potential adaptation and mitigation strategies. Now in its sixth year, the Alaska OA Network provides and receives relevant information from researchers, the fishing and aquaculture industries, coastal communities, Tribes, policy makers and educators. This poster will illustrate the work of the network, available resources, and components of the 2022 Alaska OA Network Strategic Plan.

Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2023 295

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