2023 AMSS Abstract Book

INFORMED DATASETS: UNMET NEEDS AND SYNERGISTIC PATHS FORWARD FOR ARCTIC OCEAN DATASETS JANUARY 23RD | 9AM - 12PM | TUBUGHNENQ ROOM 3 The Arctic is presently undergoing rapid environmental change, yet baseline and process-based understandings of Arctic Ocean plankton are only just beginning to emerge from our mul- tidisciplinary, long-term data sets. In this workshop we will (1) review the current state of biogeochemical observations in the Pacific Arctic and (2) discuss our roles in facilitating Arctic Ocean model development and evaluation. This workshop will center on identifying opportunities for collaboration and delineating current unmet needs for data sharing and analysis within the Pacific Arctic community. This will be an annual workshop held by SEAS the Change, an NPRB funded synthesis project, seeking to build conceptual and quantitative models of nutrient supply and utilization in the Pacific Arctic. Coffee and baked goods will be provided and all are welcome. AOOS OCEAN DATA EXPLORER: GETTING THE DATA AND INFORMATION YOU NEED! JANUARY 23RD | 10AM - 12PM | KAHTNU ROOM 1 The Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) maintains the Ocean Data Explorer (ODE) portal to make scientific and management information publicly discoverable and accessible. The ODE contains data layers such as real-time sensor feeds, operational oceanographic and atmospheric models, satellite observations and GIS data sets that describe the biological, chemical and physical characteristics of Alaska and its surrounding waters. Please join AOOS and Axiom Data Science for an interactive workshop introducing the ODE to new users, providing demonstra- tions of new user features in the ODE, and answers to your burning questions about how to use the ODE, or how to find the data and information you need. Whether you are new to the ODE or are a “super user” with questions, if you are interested in publicly accessible ocean data in Alaska, this workshop is for you. EXPLORE WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE TO A DYNAMIC SEA TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO PROMOTE SAFE SHIPPING IN THE ARCTIC JANUARY 25TH | 5:30PM - 6:30PM | TUBUGHNENQ ROOM 3 The Marine Exchange of Alaska is leveraging the capabilities of its maritime operations center to create a dynamic sea traffic management system for the Arctic. Such a system will use input from a variety of agency stakeholders and the maritime community to provide crucial weather and environmental data to mariners, deconflict waterways use, and minimize impacts to wildlife as traffic in the Arctic increases. In this workshop we will give a brief overview of the Marine Exchange’s capabilities and what a dynamic vessel management system may look like. We would like to learn about current and upcoming research that is collecting environmental data in the Bering and/or Chukchi Seas, as different types of data could improve safety for vessels moving through areas where traffic has historically been light and industry experience is limited. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the characteristics of the data produced so that we can develop approaches to integrate a diverse array of data sources for marine operators. We will also solicit ideas for types of data that vessel operators could collect for researchers, such as current programs where ships report marine mammal sightings and weather. Our goal is to start a conversation with researchers and residents of the Arctic that could continue past the workshop to turn current data and knowledge into actions that prevent harm to people, wildlife, and maritime users. ALASKA MARINE RESEARCH PLANNING WORKSHOP JANUARY 25TH | 6PM - 8PM | KAHTNU ROOM 1 In past years, Fairweather Science hosted an Arctic Research Planning Night, to provide an opportunity for marine researchers working in the Arctic to share information on their program

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